Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Gulf POV

I must be crazy, really crazy right now but he is super handsome, yes I admit it, he is handsome and the way he blushes right now is waaayyyy too cute he is like a fluffy puppy; I just want to squeeze his cheek right now so fluffy.

Dammit heart!! Why are you beating so fast right now, didn't you say your tired heart huh?! Why are you beating so fast now?! My face is hot all of a sudden and I can't even look him straight in the eyes. Am I really starting to fallen for you Mew?

I know it was Mew that was always in my shadow, looking after me all this while without me realizing it. I always have a hunch that someone is looking out for me and was looking at me from a distance but I don't know who but after I was discharge from the hospital, there is this one incident that give me confirmation about my hunch.

- Flashback -

It was 5 in the evening and I want to study a bit before going home. So I went to my favorites bench that I always sit with Tay to eat lunch. When I arrive there was a guy sleeping there so soundly, 'Oh! It's Mew, Tay's friend but why is he sleeping here in my faculty? Is he waiting for someone?'

I keep thinking about that as I approaching near the table and trying to wake him up but I was surprise by his phone ringtone because someone is calling him, but what surprises me even more is not the phone call but the picture of me on his lock screen after the called ended.

It was a picture of me smiling from a distance, I thought my eyes are playing with me but when his phone rings again, I was sure it was my picture that I see.

So my hunch all this while was right, it was him all this time. It was him that has been taking care of me all this time. The handkerchief guy in the toilet pub, the guy that has been taking care of him in the hospital, I know it wasn't Tay because I keep dreaming about him and the guy who always see me from a distance.

Not only my hunch but the smell of this guy is familiar to me, I thought it was just his perfume that was familiar like any other perfume but it was not because the smell was mix with his natural body odors.

Now that I am close distance to this guy, I was sure of it because his smell is so warm like home, a bit musky and a bit sweet like strawberry smell but not too much. Something in my heart flutter for some reason, "What is this? No way... No no no... It can't be? No no no no... I started to have feeling for him?" I mumble to myself as I stared at the back of that guy.

I walk away after I saw he was about to wake up and erasing the thought that I have feeling from him.

- End of flashback -

After that incident, I can't sleep well because this guy always preoccupied my mind but I wonder why this guy never approach or make a move on me.

Maybe he is being careful around me or maybe he is just a coward, when did all this started anyway? When Gun was courting me, I wasn't sure what was Gun's attention are but after I saw the change not only on Tay but Mew also and it was so obvious.

That's why I did that earlier, pinching Gun's cheek and saying he was cute. It was intentional, so that my idiot friend would come to his senses already and also because I can't let Gun suffered alone and struggling like that.

So now here we are having dinner together, I will ask him the question that was lingering on my mind all this time, "So if I may ask, when did you start to like me?" I ask while looking at him straight in his eyes.

- End of Chapter 11 -

* * *
A/N : Gulf is pretty observant dont u think?? Go get him Gulf 😂😂

Because I Love You [Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora