Alone on Cloud 9 (5)

Start from the beginning

"To coffee."

"To winter break!"

"To getting out of class!"


"6:00 mates, time to get back to school."

There was a collective 'aww' around the table, but we eventually got up and headed back. Just in the half an hour we'd been gone it was already dark out and the show started in just half an hour more.

There were a few more minutes of bustling while everyone finished putting on their costumes and looked over their scripts for the last time before we gathered on stage for breathing exercises and to receive some last minute notes.

'You're body should always be turned slightly towards the audience, speak loudly and annunciate, stay in character even when not saying lines, keep quiet back stage.'

The usual.

And finally, finally it was time to open the doors.

We'd all taken our opening positions; house lights were turned off in favor of dim golden stage lights that left the room in semi darkness. Music filtered through the speakers while guests entered and slowly began filling the seats.

I could just see the doors from where I was and kept an eye on everyone coming in, looking for people I recognized.

Friends, parents, teachers, classmates and, unbelievably, Michael Conner.

It seemed to good to be true, like a trick of the light or a coffee induced haze, but there he was, standing just past the doors with a few friends. He'd actually come.

I was relieved when they wandered up the stairs towards the seats in the back. I'd be nervous enough without having to see him directly.

Amanda's mom walked in soon after and took a seat near the front, and then to my surprise, Wes Pierson walked in.

I was excited to see him since it hadn't occurred to me that he would come, but unlike with Michael, his being here didn't make me nervous. I suppose because I was in love with Michael.

I assumed he'd come to see Amanda, so when a cute girl walked up to him and laced their hands together I was a little shocked, and maybe just a bit disappointed.

Ridiculous I know, but I guess it was good he wasn't waiting around for Mandy. Or at least, that’s what I told myself.

Soon the seats were filled and the doors were closed. I took a step deeper into the wings, clearing the entrance to the stage.

The lights dimmed and the music faded until the room was pitch black and the audience hushed into silence.

I felt a few people brush past me as they made their way on stage in the dark.

New music came over the speakers, slowly getting louder as the lights came on again to show the opening scene, and as the first lines were said, the show began.


'How long since you danced, Ebenezer?'

            'Waste of time, dancing.'

Two rows of dancers beat their feet against the floor in unison while couples twirled between the lines. A fiddler weaved across the stage mimicking the motions of playing while the sound system provided the music.

'You didn't think so then.'

            'There was a reason then.'

Alone on Cloud 9Where stories live. Discover now