Kiss Under The Moonlight (Part III)

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Genre: Romance, Drama, Tragedy[?], Death[?]

Date Published: October 23, 2020


Remembering the events that took place 3 years ago makes his heart ache. It feels like it all happened yesterday but it can't be helped, even though 3 years had passed he can still vividly remember it all. The nightmares didn't stopped, the tears he shed every night, the words you said at the very end, it was just so painful for him. 

"You were an idiot even until the end, Love." Kaito whispered as he looks at himself on the mirror as he smiled sadly on his reflection. Despite the scar that runs on the left side of his forehead to his left eye, he was still as handsome as ever. This is a reminder that no matter how many years had passed, It was his fault. Till this day, he still blames himself even if Shinichi (yes he got his body back 2 years ago) and the others don't blame him at all. He was just so.. heartbroken. 

Fixing his white coat paired with a navy blue button up shirt and black pants, he grabbed the bouquet of [favorite flowers] ,box of [favorite chocolate], and the album in his sling bag. He took one more glance at the picture frame placed on his table , it was you and him during Prom. How he wish to see those smile of yours, he would do anything just to hear you call his name once again.


"Help me studyyyyyyy"

"You're Kaitou Kid because both of you do magic right? And and your name is Kaito, Kaito as in Kaitou Kid"

"Because he reminds me of you, that's why."


"I-I'm s****---"

"Kaito I ****---"

"Snap out of it Kaito, it's already getting late. She'll be lonely if I don't visit her today." Kaito whispered as he grabbed his car keys and head off.

[Continuation of that night, 3 years ago]

"I guess this is the end of Kaitou Kid and Kuroba Kaito, I wish I could've stolen a kiss or two from you lolol..."




Surprised that the bullet didn't pierce through his head but still felt the bullet grazes deeply onto the side of his face as he quickly back away and covered it up, staining his white gloves, he looked at Snake confused as to why he didn't finished him off. 

"What happened? I'm sure I heard two gunshot and my name-"

What he saw behind Snake made him froze in place, he would've took this chance to use his hang glider and get away with Pandora but he couldn't just leave. It felt like his whole world will crumble at any minute now as he see those pairs of E/c eyes that he loved.


There, behind Snake and the rest of the man, is you holding a gun panting as you eyed Snake who's holding onto his side crouching down on the ground after you shot him. You were not dumb to do it alone of course, suddenly Jodie-sensei and the rest of the FBI agents came bursting in from the door as they surround the men in black. 

"Put your guns down and hands up in the air!!" Jodie-sensei exclaimed as she points her pistol at their direction. One by one they all put their guns down and raise their hands up. The agents quickly restrained them with handcuff as you quickly made your way to Kaito who's already sitting on the ground.

"Kaito are you alright?! Let's go to the hospital now!" You shout as you crouch down to help him stand up .

He finally realized what's going on as he chuckle weakly while looking at you .

"What are you talking about My lady? I am Kaitou Kid and not the man you speak of-"

"Stop it already! I know you're Kaito ! I'm not that dumb!!!" 

Your outburst surprised him. It's very unlike of you at all as he looks at you with his poker mask slowly disappearing and being replaced with a longing expression. It has been awhile since he took off that mask, it was put on in order to protect him but knowing that its you , he wouldn't mind letting you see what's underneath it.

"It breaks my heart Kaito, knowing that you had an alter ego and had been going through all of this. I don't know why you're doing this but all I could say is that no matter what happens, I'm here for you. You're important to me, you've always been someone special. Just please, don't keep any secrets from me anymore Kaito...don't leave me in the dark.." 

It was a surprised. It never once occurred to him that someone will actually be there for him, never once had he thought that someone will try to understand him even despite the fact that he's a Phantom Thief. But you, you were there. You were always there. God he was just so worried for your safety that he never once bothered to tell you, but now that it seemed like you've already know its him and that he had Pandora, its time.

"Y/n I-"

"Watch out!!!"



Quickly catching you in his arms, he felt the warm liquid of your blood as your side made contact on him made his legs weak. No no no no!! He can't lose you! Not now!! Nor ever!! Panicking, as he tried to carried you to get you to the hospital but failed with his shoulder injured, he cried your name out repeatedly trying to keep you conscious. He felt helpless...useless as the love of his life is in his arm , bleeding.. because of him.

"Please Y/n keep your eyes open for me! I'm begging you please don't leave me.."

"I-I'm sorry Kaito, I shouldn't have tried to interfere... but I can't bear to see you suffering alone, not when you've stolen this" You said weakly as you clenched onto your left chest as you smile weakly at him. Tears started to fall as he tried to keep it together, it was mutual, it wasn't unrequited.. but why does he have to hear it now when he could lose you at any second's unfair, truly unfair.

Reaching your hands weakly to his face as he grabs ahold of it pressing it delicately on his face as tears continue to stream down, you whispered your final words which both warm and broke his heart.

"Kaito...I Love You."

Leaning his face closer, he pressed his lips onto your soft once while holding the back of your head. It was the first and last kissed you two shared as the moon shines down on you two, witnessing the painful scene as it hid itself once again behind the if telling that the curtains had closed and the show is... over.

A/N: The last part will be coming up soon. Sorry for this sad part, my playlist had all been sad songs that I got into the mood. But I hope y'all enjoyed it!

[P. S. last part might take awhile, examination is next week, research paper will start, performance task one after another.  : ( ]

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