Feelings Unlocked

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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Drama

Date Published: September 18, 2020

"Eh? You two aren't dating?! Are you serious right now?" One of your friends asked while looking at you.

You and the girls suddenly had a sleepover in Aoko-chan's home since it's been awhile since all of you had one.

For some unknown reason, your friends along with Aoko had been assuming you and Kaito had been going out, which isn't true at all. You didn't know where they got that idea so you asked.

"Why do you guys think we're dating? When literally everyday we want to kill each other." You said pissed as you remember how he'll always annoy the hell out of you.

"Well duh, that's the reason why. I mean yeah usually he'll be doing that to Aoko-chan but for some reason he suddenly change his target, which is you!" One of them said as she tossed a pillow at you hitting your face.

You hugged the pillow and started thinking. Yes it's true that he suddenly started teasing you instead of Aoko but isn't it kind of normal since the three of you had been friends since middle school?

Aoko suddenly chuckled as she lie down on her stomach on the bed then looked at you.

"Admit it Y/n-chan, You have feelings for Kaito ever since middle school ~ Aoko knows so there's no need to hide it." She said in third person while smirking at you.

You felt the heat rising to your face as you quickly covered your face with a pillow.  Wait, you liking that magician freak? That's impossible...right?

Now that you think about it, there was never a time when you stopped thinking about Kaito. You find him extremely annoying but that doesn't exactly mean you hate him. There was actually some times where he was being sweet to you. One time your parents had a fight and Kaito was there to comfort you, he even invited you to come over to his house (which Chikage-san find really sweet) and stayed over for awhile.

Maybe Aoko was right. Maybe you just haven't realized it until now that you actually had some feelings for him, I mean you get really frustrated whenever Kaito is around some girls! Or that time when you cried so much when he had his arm casted from falling the wrong way when being chased by you. 

You didn't realized the grinned and smirks your friends are giving you when you finally snapped out of your thoughts. 

"I know that smile Y/n~ It's the 'maybe I do love him'  sort of smile!!" One of them said as they all gave you a hugged practically crushing you with love lololol.


Kaito has no idea on what's happening to you. Ever since that sleepover you had in Aoko's house you became quite a little distant around him. Not only him but the whole class have noticed it too. 

"What the hell is wrong with her? Is she on her period or something? Though if she is she'll usually be more pissed off rather than being quiet...Hmmm." He muttered to himself as he thinks of another possible reason why.

Kaito is currently walking down the second floor hallway when something caught his attention. There, outside where a tree is standing (famous place where students confessed to one another), is you and some guy from the upperclass.

He suddenly stopped walking as he watched everything happened. You nodded for some reason then after that the guy suddenly gave you a hugged. Kaito clenched onto his chest as something started aching, it hurts . For the first time in awhile, his poker face cannot hide the expression on his face; disappointed, betrayed...heartbroken.

"There goes the only gem I wanted to kept in my jewelry box."


Weeks passed by and the whole class can feel the suffocating atmosphere in the room. Kaito is unusually quiet for those passed weeks until now while you are oblivious about it, smiling as you texted the guy you met last week.

Aoko already had enough about it as she slammed her hands onto her desk startling everyone in class (its a good thing class haven't started yet.) then walked to your direction.

"Y/n-chan What's going on between you two? It's already been a week and it's getting worse!" She exclaimed as she points at Kaito, who has his head resting on his arm that's propped on his table, then points back at you.

"You're being weird today as well. You've been on your phone ever since last week, did you got yourself a boyfriend-"

"Can you be quiet even just for today?" Kaito cut her off as he lifted his head up then looked at her.

Aoko noticed how lifeless his eyes are, even if he tried to hide them he had known this magician since they were kids.

Nobody dared to make a single sound as the whole room became quiet but you broke it.

"Uhm somebody woked up at the wrong side of the bed." You laughed forcefully as you look at him then grabbed some candies in your pocket.

"Here, this might help you ou-"

Everybody gasped as Kaito slapped your hand away sending the sweets down on the floor. Shocked, you looked at your hand then at him. His expression is really unreadable. Before you could open your mouth to talked, the door opened as the teacher walks in indicating that class will start soon.

Hurt and confused on why Kaito acted that way to you, you faced the front and never glanced back at him for the entire day.


The moment the school bell rings, you quickly stood up and grabbed your stuff being the first to be out of the room. You couldn't faced Kaito anymore after that so you just went straight home alone.

On the other hand, Kaito felt guilty for what he did earlier. He wanted to apologized but you were already out of the room when he turned to your seat. Sighing he rest his head onto the desk as he collect his thoughts on what to do. 

Not noticing Aoko who's in front of his desk, he received a painful smacked on the head making him jolt up rubbing his head.

"What was that for?!" He said pissed as he continues to rubbed his head. He looked away from Aoko as he already know that he'll get scolded for what he did earlier.

"You do know you messed up big time earlier right? Seriously Kaito, how could you win her over if you're being like that?" Aoko sighed as she sat down on the seat in front of Kaito.

Kaito blinked twice and blushes madly as he slammed his hands on his desk standing up.

"W-what do you mean by that?!" Kaito exclaimed as he sees Aoko smirked.

Oh god was it that obvious? Or he just doesn't noticed how his eyes are always searching for you, how he wanted your attention to only be on him and how he didn't noticed that Aoko saw him last week when he was looking at you with a guy.

Defeated, he sat back down then dropped his head on his desk with a thud.

"You could've told me you saw geez.."

A/N: That's all for today, I'll do my best to update Part II tomorrow!!

Kuroba Kaito x Reader OneshotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora