Chapter Sixteen - December Preparation

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It was slightly later into the afternoon, approximately 2pm, Hazel was sat in the Great Hall with Harry, Ron, Hermione and other students scattered about. They were all chatting, Hazel was explaining what Ron's troublesome brothers had gotten her into. The trio asked Hazel about herself, they didn't know much about her.

"I have a twin sister, though we're not identical like Fred and George", Hazel said, glancing over at the ginger twins further down the table.

"What are your parents like?", Hermione asked excitingly.

Hazel's smile disappeared as she sighed and gently hit her fingers on the table.

"They died last year, my sister and I have stayed with our grandparents since, but they're not the most supportive", she said.

Hermione felt bad for asking the question whilst Harry gently placed his hand on Hazel's, comforting her. Unfortunately, Harry knew what it was like to lose his parents. Hazel gave Harry a useless smile before Harry took his hand away when Ron spoke.

"What was it like moving schools? Where were you before?", he asked whilst stuffing his face with the snacks beside him.

Hazel paused, she couldn't name a muggle school, but she couldn't make one up. And she certainly could tell them she shifted, not yet anyway. Interrupting their conversation, a young blonde boy carrying a large, boxed parcel delivered it to Ron.

"Parcel for you, Mr Weasley", the boy spoke softly, handing the box over to Ron.

"Ah, thank you Nigel", Ron responded, gracefully taking the box off his hands and placing it on the table. Hermione looked over to Hazel, who was sat right by her, raised an eyebrow and looked back to Nigel, clearing her throat. Ron turned around to find Nigel was still stood behind him with a wide smile printed across his face.

"Not now, Nigel... later", Ron whispered, nudging the boy so he'd walk away.

Harry shot Ron a confused expression.

"I told him I'd get Harry's autograph", Ron said, followed by a slightly embarrassed sigh.

Ron carefully unwrapped the box that was plastered in an old, crinkly beige paper, all tied together with a piece of string. His eyes lit up to the box, knowing his mum had sent him something. With the help of Hazel, Harry and Hermione, they lifted the lid of the box and revealed what was inside. Ron took out this piece of clothing with a confused expression. He stood up and held the thing in front of him - it was a long brown coat with salmon, furry frills around the collar and wrist cuffs.

"Mum sent me a dress!", Ron blurted out with complete disbelief and disgust.

The Gryffindor table started to laugh as they noticed Ron holding up the ugly piece of clothing.

"Well it does match your eyes!", Harry said sarcastically.

"Is there a bonnet?", he asked, before lifting up a white frilly bonnet from the box and holding it up to Ron.

Ron rolled his eyes and sighed in relief, pushing the bonnet away from him.

"Put those down Harry", Ron said.

He walked over to Ginny, who now had the bits of jelly out of her hair from Hazel's prank earlier on, and was sat only a few seats away from them.

"Ginny, these must be for you", Ron said, holding up the clothes to her whilst she slurped a spoonful of warm soup.

She put her spoon down and looked at it in disgust.

"I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly!", she called out.

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