The butterfly flew as Demi heard a footsteps approached behind her, she turned to see a woman holding a watering pot on her hand. The watering pot fell to the ground as she saw what happened to her flowers.

"You monster! What did you do to my flowers?!! My beautiful flowers!" The woman was devastated as she approched her dead flowers. Soon other people came asking what has happened.

"That Demon child did this! This monster killed my precious plants!" The woman told them what happened as she said how she saw her plants died when Demi touched it.

"Don't let her touch you! You might also die just like those flowers." The villagers was terrified and started backing away from the girl. The girl's face held no emotion as she witnissed how others started to back away, a few ran, while others stay and shout at her. They were shouting harsh and mean words of how she was pure bad lack and how they badly want her to be gone, to die.

Vella heard the commotion as she was searching for Demi, she immediately ran into action as she saw her daughter being shouted at. "Stay away from my daughter!" She shouted back at the villagers with eyes full of rage. She kneeled and hugged her daughter.

"Why don't you take away your daughter and never come back in this village again, Witch!" The woman who got her flowers ruined said. The villagers agree and shoo them away with their shouts, some even used magic. Vella had no choice but to go, she didn't want to prolong the argument. While carrying her child and using her magic to carry the bags, she walked home.

Vella felt pity for her child, she was treated worse because of her curse. And she was guilty for she knew she was the reason af her daughter suffering. She was the reason her daughter is living this way, she could not forgive herself, that's why she want to find a cure. After her daughter turns five, she'll take her with her to travel and to find way to reverse the curse.

On the way home Demi didn't said a single word, she was contemplating what happened earlier. 'Why did the flower died when she touched it? Was that her magic? Why was her magic like that?' She was looking at her hands as she was thinking this.
Vella noticed this so as soon as they arrived in their house, she let down Demi and kneeled infront of her.

Holding her daughters shoulder she said in a gentle way, "What happened earlier Demi? Did they do something to you? Are you okay? What's wrong with your hands?" Vella was about to touch her daughter's hands when Demi pulled it away from her.
She didn't wanna touch her mother thinking she would end up hurting her like what happened to the flowers, so she put her hands on her back. Vella was confused of her daughter's reaction. "Tell me Demi, what happened?" Vella touched her daughter's chin and forced her to look upwards to her eyes.

"E-earlier I saw a Butterfly, and I followed it...."

Vella looked at her daughter and encouraged her to continue. "...There was a garden full of beautiful flowers, I wanted to touch them, but when I touched them, they turned black and died. The woman saw me and she called me monster." Demi started to look down again.

"Mom, maybe I really am a monster. Because I killed the flowers even if I just touched them." Demi's voice was plain, emotionless. Vella held her daughter's face. She push her hair to the side of her hair as she look at hee daughter purple eyes. "My daughter's way beautiful to be a monster. I know you didn't mean harm to the flowers." She gently took Demi's hands. Demi was hesitant but her mother took control. "See? You didn't hurt me, because you have no intention to. I will help you control you magic, you won't have to worry. And soon we'll find a cure." She smiled at her daughter, and Demi nodded to her mother.

Vella was cooking a lot of food for her daughter's birthday and she decided to go all out as today will be their last day before they travel. Demi was just sitting near the window watching the trees, birds, and the sky.

After eating all the foods Vella prepared (because Vella have a lot of appetite and Demi doesn't feel hungry nor full finished all the food) both of them go to sleep. Demi always slept with her mother not because they only have one bed but because Demi loved feeling her mother's warmth. While sleeping she hugs her mother. She wants to feel other peoples warmth because she was cold, her body was cold, like a corpse.

It was 2 am when Demi suddenly woke up. Realizing she won't be sleeping again any more. Demi got up and walked to her seat near the window. She watched the moon and stars as it was a hobby of hers. Everytime she would have trouble sleeping she would look up to the sky and admire it's beauty.

A butteryfly suddenly blocked Demi's view as it landed in her nose. It was the butterfly earlier. It flew and headed to the forest like it was telling her to follow it. She took a glance at her mother sleeping and decided it wouldn't hurt just to go outside for a bit. It's not that dark because of the moon and the stars.

Demi went out and followed the butterfly once again it led her to field of flowers however this ones were different from before. They were all the same, their color was just like her hair, dark purple and they also look like butterflies that were huddled together. They look so beautiful yet poisonous.

(The flower's name is Aconitum also known as Aconite, Wolfs bane and etc

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(The flower's name is Aconitum also known as Aconite, Wolfs bane and etc. And is very poisonous)

Demi was about to touch it but she remembered what happened when she touched the other flowers earlier. She slowly withdraw her hand and was about turn around but once again the butterfly blocked her view. It was like it was stopping her from leaving.

So she just watched as the butterfly flew and landed again on the flowers. This time Demi couldn't stop herself from touching the flowers. Demi have a habit of touching things she thought were beautiful. But as her hand touched the flowers, nothing happened. It didn't wither and die like the ones earlier she felt her hand touching the soft petals of the flowers. She pluck one and took in near her face. She was glad the flower didn't die under her touch.

Meanwhile, Vella was awoken by a very strong aura nearing their house, it held so much pressure. She immediately searched for her daughter and was horrified when she didn't saw Demi beside her. She quickly got off of her bed and look for her daughter everywhere inside their small house.

She was about to go out the door but the door suddenly opened as it showed a man. He was a tall man with green eyes and black, combed-back hair. He was wearing something fancy, he was smiling at Vella as he said

"Hello my darling, I've come to fetch you. I assume now, you would finally want to come with me."


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'm very busy answering my modules so expect me to update very slow. Ok, thanks! 😁💜

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