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I always thought you can choose who you like, but now I’ve realised you were never a choice, just the most iridescent light that kept drawing me back in.

My eyes light up for you, in the darkest corners of my mind, there seems to be the brightest light that shines just for you. My only question is why?

Why you? And why now? I’ve known you for so long but only now does my heart jump from just hearing your name. I thought I was doing fine, but only now do I realise, fine isn’t enough. The mere thought of you puts my mind at ease, but would that be enough for you?

I gaze at you, maybe for a second longer then I should of, because you start to sense me, but I can’t help it, I’m still questioning why I’ve decided to let you in, or could it be the other way around. 

Our past is messy, I know that. I’m not proud of who I was, but I’ve changed, changed just for the slight chance to be your hero, But I think you’ve become mine. 

This rut I’ve called home, I think you’ve pulled me out of, my mind set on refresh. And all I want to do is thank you. But I feel our moment has passed.

You stare at me, stare for a moment longer then you should of because my heart skips a beat and all I’m thinking is can you feel it? feel what I’ve been feeling my entire life. 

Our moment is now. 

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