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You were my whole life, but for you it might have felt like a moment, just one tiny moment. 

Why did he leave? I find myself slipping from reality, my mind playing tricks on me. without you, there can be no purpose to life. I am missing you, the life I live now only feels raw and unnatural. I need you here, and I wait, so maybe a part of you will find its way back to me. 

For me, it was always you. I find myself dreaming of the possibilities of us, and there are so many. I feel like my mind has finally caught up to me and I know that out time together is coming to an end. But all I want is more, more of us to fill up the pages. 

I am here. I am here beside you holding you in my arms. Lets be this way forever but, forever isn’t always. Just for one slither of a second our eyes meet again and maybe for the last time. 

I now tremble at the thought of you gone, and maybe it’s for the best, but whose? My mind is set on replay and I don’t want the movie to end. 

But our time is up, and I thank you. 

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