Wait a bully saaay whaaat

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Picture of Jase at the top or on the side.

Kniki (POV)


"UGH ONE MORE MINUTE" I screamed at my alarm throwing a pillow at it.

I put my alarm across the room so that I would actually get out of bed to turn it off.

I walked over to my bathroom" eww"  I mumbled looking at my self, I look like a panda zombie a andazom, 

I don't even know how but it takes me 3 hours to get ready for school.

I fixed my make up and went to go pick out cloths,  A bright red Tank top With a Black side ripped My chemical Romance Shirt, skinny jeans one leg was black and the other was red,  also Black converse with red laces, I like to match up a lot, and last but not least A My Chemical Romance and Pierce The Veil Rubber Bracelet.

I grabbed my bag and said goodbye to Gypsy My cat,  and no not those crystal ball gypsies its the kind you see on the channel TLC .

"SHIT ARE YOU KIDDING ME " I screamed in horror.

I looked at the time on my phone and I only had 17 minutes to get to class. I shivered knowing I would have to go through the shortcut,  I usually go the long way but that takes 26 min by car,  and you can't take a car through the short cut.

I walked out the door locking it behind me and set out to the ally. 

It was dark and creepy,  I really hope Tyler and his gang Andrew and Zach already went to class.

I got to the ally and stoped right in front of it,  I gulped and tugged my bag closer to myself and started shaking.

I trudged myself down the ally.

" AYE GUYS THE BITCH IS BACK!" One boy yelled

"oh shit" I mumbled. *Face Palm*

" Oh Shit your right hows it been doll" a low voice came walking over ,probably Tyler.

I got in a running position but right as I leep. " Were you going" Andrew said grabbing my arm and pulling me back, Zach grabbing my other arm. They stood on each side of me and Tyler walked up front.

He leaned over and kissed my cheek

I reached out and slapped him as hard as I could.

He slowly lifted his head up exposing the big hand mark on his face.

He smirked" You shouldn't of done that."

"Boys" he snapped and they grabbed me tighter.

I closed my eyes not wanting to see what would happen.

"AGHHH !" I groaned out in pain falling to my knees,  I  felt a sharp pain in my stomach, Were I'm guessing Tyler just kicked me.

"Pick her up"  Tyler shouted hitting the boys.

They got in the same position as last time.

"Shut up bitch or I'll make it hurt more! " Tyler growled at me and slapped me. He tyed something to my mouth So I couldn't scream.

Tyler took a knife out of his pocket and slid it down my stomach. I winced in pain.

He leaned me against the wall and started to grab me in wrong places, He groaned and pressed his bulge against my body. He pulled my coller down and sucked at my collar bone.

He stopped and backed up looking me up and down.

He started clicking his tounge and shaking his head"  Such a shame to put that body to waste" he said dragging his hand up my thigh.

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