Summer Plans

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Haley looked surprised. Everyone did. "Really?" she exclaimed.

"Er.. well-" I looked around awkwardly. Why had I offered that? I barely knew her. Why was I taking such pity on her?

"Well, if you want to. I don't know what my parents would say.. probably not for too long.." I said, trying to harmlessly recall the offer.

"That's okay!" Maybelle chimed in. "You can spend the rest of the summer with me." She told Haley.

I silently thanked Maybelle. However, that would mean she would have to tell Haley about her.. condition.

I'm sure Haley would be a lot better at this werewolf stuff than I am. But, could we clue in another person? Only Lysander knew, besides the professors.

That decisions was Maybelle's.

"How about you two spend the first half of the summer together, then you can spend the rest st the Burrow." I suggested.

"That's brilliant!" The two chimed with their usual, unnecessary admiration.

The boys were quiet during this transaction. They didn't approve. And I didn't care. I don't know why I was so set on Haley being our friend, but I was. And that was all that mattered.

They train started to slow and even the boys couldn't mask the excitement at seeing their families.

When the train stopped, everyone tried rushing off, causing a bit of madness. I almost lost Everey, but luckily Haley caught her.

James appeared at the door with a lopsided smile and a Gryffindor girl on his arm. "I told Mum I'd help you." The girls swooned over him causing the girl to giggle. She looked.. older??

"Thanks," I mumbled as he led is down and off the train. The second I stepped off, I saw the vibrant hair of my mother that no age would ever dull.

I ran into her arms and she immediately gushed over me.

"Oh, how was my baby's first year?"

"Great I ma-"

"Did you have fun?"

"Yes! Hogwarts is-"

"Did you learn lots?"

"Yes, the professors-"

"Oh, who's your-"

"Ginny." My father said. "Give her a chance to talk."

"Oh! You're right, I'm so sorry! So, tell me."

"My first year was incredibly fun, I made a lot of friends, I learned so many new spells!! And I really like Professor Longbottom." I spilled.

"Albus and I had a great time too, ma. Thanks for asking." James said sarcastically, the girl had disappeared.

"Dont even, James. You got even more attention your first year. Oh, Dean!" Maybelle made her way over with her parents and Dean hugged mine.

"Hey, Ginny, Harry," then he turned us kids. "Lily! Oh, I haven't seen you since you were a little baby! And Albus, you've grown, nice glasses. Just like your father. James!" They hugged.

"Hey Dean," James said. James was the only one old enough to remember him.

"Mom?" I asked and my mom's gaze immediately met my own. "You know Maybelle and this is.. Haley. My friend. I was wondering if it was okay if they could spend the second half of summer at the Burrow.."

"Of course!" She agreed with no hesitation. My father looked slightly uneasy at her recklessness but smiled at them anyway.

"I'll see you guys then!" I said, smiling. I hugged them both before they walked away.

"Hey Lily." Two boys echoed from behind me. I turned to find two identical blonde twins, a much taller blonde woman and my Herbology professor.

Lily Potter and the Cycles of the Moon. {Year One} [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now