A Solemn Promise

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I opened my eyes to the white walls of the hospital wing. For a moment, I forgot why I was there. But then, I saw Maybelle sitting in a chair, with red puffy eyes.

I sat up which caused her to hastily wipe her eyes. "Maybelle.. I'm so sorry about Jinx.." I said, as Everey entered and started growling at her. "Everey!"

" She thinks I'm a cat murderer." Maybelle said.

" Oh, Maybelle, you're not-" I started.

" Because you would know what I am wouldn't you, Lily, because you just know everything, huh?" She looked conflicted. "Oh.. yeah you do.. I'm sorry, Lily. I.." Then she got up and left.

I watched her go as Madam Pomfrey hurried over and ushered me out of the Hospital Wing, claiming I was fine. Which, I was. According to the clock tower, I was supposed to be in Transfiguration. Oh yay, I'm sure Professor Ashbury would be thrilled for the interruption.

For some reason, she really hated me. Even more than Professor Parkinson who, well, hated everyone. I didn't know why. I wasn't a nuisance in her class, I got good grades, answered all her questions diligently. But she couldn't stand me.

And she made that even clearer today. I tried to slip in silently but she made a huge scene. " Well, Miss Potter. How absolutely splendid it is you've finally decided to join us." She announced, interrupting the whole class.

She wasn't old, buy not young either, probably around my parents age. Maybe she had known them? I don't think they'd ever mentioned her.

I opened my mouth to explain where I was, but she cut me off. "Five points from Ravenclaw. Have a seat." She said. When I didn't sit she raised her eyebrows at me.

"I was in the Hospital Wing," I replied. She looked slightly conflicted. Deciding whether to revoke the removed points from Ravenclaw, or add more.

" Have a seat," she finally said, more firmly this time. I sat beside Lorcan and Hugo and realized Maybelle wasn't back yet.

After class, we returned to our common rooms. I ran up to the girls' dormitory to see if Maybelle was there. She was, as I expected.

What I didn't expect was to see her packing up her things.

" Wait, Maybelle, where are you going?" I asked. "You can't be leaving! Why are you leaving?"

She was quiet at first, which killed me, while she continued to pack her things. "I.. I can't stay, Lily." She replied, shutting her trunk.

" Listen, if this is because the dementors or that werewolf killing your cat,"- she tensed up when I said that- "I can assure you, Hogwarts is the safest place there is." I said.

" How did you know it was a werewolf that killed Jinx?" She asked, frozen on the spot. Hadn't they told her?

" Oh, I heard Madam Pomfrey talking to Hagrid.. Didn't they tell you..?" I asked.

She closed her eyes and nodded. "You don't get it, Lily. Hogwarts isn't safe.. Not.. Not while I'm here." She said.

" What do you mean, Maybelle? Hogwarts is always safe." I argued.

" Sometimes, I wonder why I think you're so smart, if you haven't caught on, how amazing can you really be?" She replied.

" Caught on to what!?" I demanded.

" Me!" She yelled. " Its me, Lily! I'm the werewolf!" Everything went spiraling downward from there.


I woke up for the second time today in the Hospital Wing. I had fainted. I knew it by the sudden blackness that was the last thing I remembered and the throbbing in my head, where I must have hit the floor.

"Madam Pomfrey, she's awake." It was Maybelle, her voice was shaky. "I'm so sorry, Lily.."

Maybelle was a werewolf. That much was clear. I remembered that. I sat up, and looked around.

" Careful," Madam Pomfrey said. She checked my injuries and told me I was okay to go but if I felt any nausea, dizziness, or a headache that I should come back.

I grabbed Maybelle and pulled her into the corridor. "So.. You're the werewolf." I said, my voice cracking with fear.

" Oh, great, even you're terrified of me," She exclaimed, obviously distressed.

" I'm not-" I caught myself. There was no user in lying to her. "Okay, maybe I am, but don't tell me you wouldn't be terrified of a werewolf either. And just because I'm scared doesn't mean that I want you to go home."

" Well, I've already talked to the Headmaster. I don't have any other choice. I'm too big of a danger to the school." She said, quietly. "I don't have a choice."

I wasn't going to lose a friend. No matter whether that friend was a werewolf or not, she was a friend.

"Come on." I said. "We are going to see the Headmaster."

Luckily, Headmaster Slughorn was at the feast so all we had to do was wait outside the gargoyle that was the entrance to his office.

We didn't wait there long before he arrived and without speaking a word to us, opened the passage and led us up a flight of stairs to his office.

"I've been expecting you, Miss Potter," he said, calmly taking a seat at his desk. "I am afraid that there is not much I can do for your friend."

" What can you do?" I asked. " You said there is not much. That means there is something."

A smile spread over his face. "Maybelle," the headmaster said. "Could you please find your way back to your common room and unpack your belongings. I have a feeling you'll be staying."

Maybelle didn't hesitate. She left after only muttering an enthusiastic thanks.

The Headmaster got up and walked over to a shelf where a tattered old hat lay. " The Sorting Hat," he said. "placed you in Ravenclaw on September first, 2019. Have you ever questioned it's choice?"

I nodded. At the beginning of the year, I was failing my classes and didn't see how on earth I could be a Ravenclaw.

"Your father did as well. Even by the time I was teaching here, in his sixth year, he was still very positive he was meant for Slytherin." Slughorn continued. " But he was Gryffindor at heart. Just as you are Ravenclaw.

" You're smart so I'm led to believe you know what I'm going to ask of you next." He said, seriously.

"I believe I know, Headmaster, and the answer to help a friend will always be yes," I replied.

AN: okay, so I feel like this one is much longer and makes up for all of my shorter chapters! I hope the werewolf thing isn't thought of as dumb... I hope you liked it!!

Also, we are nearing the end of Lily's first year! Probably only about 5 ish more chapters to go:)

And, look for the picture of Hugo!

Lily Potter and the Cycles of the Moon. {Year One} [EDITING]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora