Whispers and Defense

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Lily was released from the hospital wing before Hugo, which he thought was completely unfair, even after she, Madam Pomfrey, and both of the twins explained that her injury was not as great as his, in fact, not really an injury at all.

Before Lily could get far from the infirmary though, she heard a smal voice calling out for her. She turned to see Maybelle running towards her. She had to stop so that she could catch up. She may look in shape, since she was not at all fat, but her little legs could only move so fast, and very little of her body weight was muscle

"Hey Maybelle," Lily greeted, continuing on her way to the Ravenclaw common room. "What were you doing?" She asked and when Maybelle gave her a strange look, she added: "I mean, why aren't you at breakfast? I didn't miss breakfast did I?"

"Well, no, actually.. I was looking for you and Lorcan.. I knew you two were in the infirmary, but I kinda got lost.. Then, I saw Lorcan and Lysander and they were arguing about their dad so I followed them and then came looking for you." she said, all in one breath. She was always hard to keep up with, her words flowed together and her sentences were choppy and uneven.

Lily laughed as she registered Maybelle's words. "Well, you've found me, did you hear what they were saying about their dad?" Lily had remembered hearing Lysander say their dad was protecting them but Lorcan thought he was a bad guy.

"Well Lysander was totally quiet at first, like always, while Lorcan was yelling at him to tell him what he meant last night. Then he said something about their dad, Rolf, Lorcan called him, being a.. well he didn't use a very nice word.. and that really got Lysander red." Maybelle said, quietly. Her story came to an end as they reached the common room. "I just feel really bad for them. Going through that."

"All I know about their dad is that Lorcan told me his parents were fighting all the time." Lily said. "I can't imagine my parents going through a divorce.." Lily's thoughts trailed, to think of how that would affect her.

"Oh! That's a hard one, any ideas Lily?" Lily had been too lost in thought to realize the door had spoken its riddle, but could only imagine that was what Maybelle was referring to.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention," she admitted, her cheeks flaring red. "What was the riddle?"

"What never gets wetter, no matter how much it rains?" Maybelle repeated.

After a second of thought Lily shrugged. "Well, the only thing that can't get wetter is something that's already as wet as it can get," she thought aloud, as she always did. "Water." The door swung open.

"Why do you do that?" Maybelle asked, watching her, with a faint admiration in her eyes that Lily would never see. That sort of admiration one couldn't see in themselves, that only others could express.

"Do what?" She replied as they entered the common room. It was almost empty, due to the fact it was actually time for breakfast, but Ravenclaw students often skipped meals for homework and research. Although there weren't many people, quite a few called out to see if she was doing alright. The rest were angry she and Lorcan had both had 25 points taken from Ravenclaw for roaming forbidden grounds. Honestly though, they were in third place, did they expect to win?

Now a days, only Slytherin or Gryffindor ever won the House Cup. Ravenclaw had no great adventurers, or determined leaders, or even just problem solvers. Students in Ravenclaw were mostly only ever given points in incramemts of 5's for answering questions in their classes.

"Say your thought process out loud." Maybelle answered. "I noticed it about you. In Charms, Flitwick asked us what spell would unlock a door and you started whispering to yourself then raised your hand. You were the only one who knew."

Lily Potter and the Cycles of the Moon. {Year One} [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now