↣ 𝗰𝘂𝗱𝗱𝗹𝗲𝘀

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Makoto Naegi☘️
↣ he likes hugging you
↣ so he'll most likely be the big spoon
↣ he'll probably rest his chin on your shoulder
↣ keep his arms wrapped around your torso while he holds you close to himself
↣ he's the type who accidentally teases you while trying to cuddle
↣ like whispering cute things in your ear

Byakuya Togami💴
↣ he isn't a huge cuddling person
↣ so you have to make him
↣ he acts like he hates it
↣ but since he's very affection starved , he's all over it
↣ you're usually laying on him with your arms wrapped around him
↣ and he just has his hand on your back
↣ when he thinks you're asleep , he just stares down at you and rubs your back

Chihiro Fujasaki💻
↣ he's too nervous to initiate anything
↣ but he will definitely cuddle you if you ask
↣ he usually has his head against your chest or shoulder with his arms wrapped around your waist
↣ you're very comfortable in his opinion
↣ he likes it when you play with his hair while cuddling

Kyoko Kirigiri
↣ she rarely initiates cuddles
↣ she's fine with being either
↣ but tends to be the big spoon
↣ she likes having you close
↣ but big spoon just hits different

Celestia Ludenberg🎲
↣ she won't admit it to anyone , but she loves cuddling
↣ she usually just picks you up and takes you to the couch or your room to cuddle whenever
↣ she lets you take the lead whenever you'd like
↣ she tends to be the big spoon , but doesn't mind whichever

Toko Fukawa📚
↣ she practically craves physical affection
↣ it helps her self - esteem more than most people think
↣ she likes being the little spoon
↣ you have to reassure her she's not being clingy
↣ because she feels bad for making you cuddle her all the time

Mukuro Ikusaba🔪
↣ she isn't used to physical affection
↣ junko never really let her have much affection in her life
↣ so she was a bit hesitant to cuddle you the first time you suggested it
↣ but overtime , she's managed to get used to it
↣ she loves being the big spoon because she feels like she's protecting you
↣ but she also loves being the little spoon because she feels safe with you

Hajime Hinata🍊
↣ he's definitely a big spoon
↣ he's very protective of you
↣ so he tends to have his arms wrapped around your waist while your back is pressed against him
↣ he loves resting his chin on top of your head or shoulder

Nagito Komaeda🍀
↣ he's very clingy
↣ he doesn't want to risk losing you
↣ ever
↣ so he holds you close when you're cuddling
↣ if he falls asleep , you're basically stuck until he wakes up

Gundham Tanaka🐹
↣ usually your cuddle sessions get interrupted by animals
↣ he likes sitting on the couch with you while you have your arms wrapped around his waist
↣ and he loves having your head on his shoulder
↣ he usually tries to keep his lap empty in case any of the animals want to hop into his lap

Chiaki Nanami🎮
↣ she likes having you sit in her lap while she streams or records
↣ she usually has her arms around your waist
↣ with her chin on your shoulder
↣ she just likes having you with her when she plays videos games
↣ it's a comfort thing for her

Mikan Tsumiki💉
↣ she's too scared of making you mad to initiate anything
↣ so you have to start it
↣ she likes having her head on your chest while you play with her hair
↣ it takes her a bit to trust that you won't do anything
↣ but she eventually grows used to it

Ibuki Mioda🎸
↣ you already know she just jumps on you when you're trying to sleep
↣ she's a big spoon
↣ she will pull you really close and just hold
↣ she likes throwing in random kisses to whatever she can reach

Sonia Nevermind👑
↣ she switches between big and little spoon
↣ she really likes when you're both just hugging each other and end up falling asleep
↣ she really loves when you're the first thing she sees in the morning
↣ she likes hugging you and playing with your hair

Shuichi Saihara🔍
↣ he's kind of clingy when you two cuddle
↣ he's scared of losing you
↣ so he holds you really close
↣ he mainly has his head in your chest , on top of your head , or on your shoulder

Rantaro Amami🧭
↣ he's protective when he cuddles you
↣ holding you close
↣ either you're against his chest or he has your head on your shoulder
↣ he has a pretty decent grip on you
↣ so you have to ask to be able to leave
↣ and he'll let you go whenever you wanna leave
↣ he's very protective of his partner👉👈

Kaito Momota💫
↣ he loves stargazing while you two cuddle
↣ he lets you lay your head on his arm
↣ he holds onto your hand while stargazing
↣ sometimes he ends up just staring at you on accident

Kokichi Oma🍇
↣ he treats you like a bed
↣ he'll lay his head on your chest
↣ and have his arms and legs wrapped around you
↣ he's very clingy
↣ he loves you a lot and wants to be as close as possible
↣ he doesn't want you leaving his side

↣ he didn't really know how to cuddle the first time you asked
↣ so you basically had to teach him how
↣ now he does it every chance he gets
↣ it makes him feel loved
↣ and he loves seeing you so happy whenever he cuddles you

Kaede Akamatsu🎹
↣ she's a huge cuddle bug
↣ she also really likes having you in her lap when she plays piano
↣ you help motivate her
↣ and between each song she practices , she just holds onto you

Miu Iruma🛠
↣ she acts like she doesn't care for cuddles
↣ but she really loves them
↣ she just shoves her head in your chest and lays there
↣ it's oddly comforting for her
↣ she's very touched starved

Kirumi Tojo🧹
↣ she has the cuddle skills of a mom
↣ they're really caring
↣ and she does whatever makes you comfortable
↣ she doesn't really expect much in return
↣ but she also likes cuddles , so it's a win - win

so i just posted this chapter , and then i noticed this book is at 12k???

uh , i don't. functions?

thank you guys so much! i never thought this book would reach such a number and it's just , insane.

i love seeing everyone's comments on all of the chapters , you guys are so amazing!💕💕

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