{+} 3: maam where is your face {+}

5 0 0

They were in an enclosed space, some kind of closet. there was no light they could see, mainly becuase they were in a closet.

they came out of the closet NO not in that way smh. they CAME OUT OF THE CLOSET BECUASE THEY WERE IN THE CLOSET AND NEEDED TO LEAVE IT TO DO STUFF 7867;'78L6';8L78L57L6'7567K65K7OP6KTPOYKPTIY765I7056I766867;8#78970]#-;0P;'#OP['#;O'#P;['#P;'#[;P'#OP#O

they looked as the larger space infront of them, the walls painted bright, clashing colours and lined with bunting and balloons. it was like theyd stepped into a nostaligic memory that they faintly remember. music came from nowhere, surrounding them and obscuring their thoughts.

in the centre of the room sat a figure wearing pink and pastel green attire. she wore a Light pink top and a Mint-coloured Skirt that was just above her knees, as well as polka-dotted socks. she wore green sneakers on her feet as well as a rainbow-coloured party hat on her head. her skin was a peach colour and her face was covered in face paint. Her hair was white, but certain sections appeared to have been attacked by a manic clown child with sharpies, several chunks were bright blue or magenta.

she also straight-up had no fucking face. Like legit.

the figure sat at a circular table covered in wrapping paper. the chairs were wooden And painted pastel shades, all of them had some form of stuffed animal or doll sat on it except for two directly opposite the faceless girl.

they stepped slowly in, both on edge as the figure turned towards them, their hollow sockets staring into toaster girls singular eye.

"........." said toaster girl.

"hello." said the girl with a party hat. "i am the girl with a party hat."

the girl with a party hat's neck crunched in their general direction. ew what the fuc k no.

".......it is nice to meet you." Toaster girl said slowly.

"it is not." responded King Bird sharply. he stared at the Girl With a Party hat, he appeared disapproving of their existence.

the was a space of awkward silence, the Girl With a Party Hat staring blankly at the King Bird, who look back with an exceptionally stern expression for a bird. the tension was so thick you could slap its juicy ass and the visible shockwave would knock you off your feet.

"...is there something im not aware of..?" toaster girl was concerned, this didnt seem right. she thought King Bird had no conflicts, he was a fabulous bastard with a Badass crown and he could probably beat ur ass, why would people hate him he's the best fucking character smh.

"Everything is fine chosen one. its just PEACHY."

"oOoOoOoOhH,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the chOSEN ONE!???!?!" the Girl With a Party Hat mocked. "Youve gotten REAL FUNNY WITH YOUR JOKES, HAVENT YOU?"

The Girl With a Party Hat practically spat the words out, the music around them quietly distorting as they continued their bullshit staring competition.

"..I want an explanation, please." Toaster girls voice was more serious than before. As the Girl With a Party Hat, turned to her, it was like she was sucking the soul out of her body with her flesh-covered eye holes. Toaster Girl stepped back slightly, growing more alarmed by the second. The Girl snapped back over to the King Bird, who was searching the walls for exits.

"Is this what you've brought yourself to? You avian dictating piece of SHIT? You're going to get the hopes up of your so called cHoSeN oNe on an attempt at a half-assed comedy show?! Oh, you sure do make me want to TEAR out my EYES. But alas."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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