{+} 1: Be The Toaster Girl {+}

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Toaster girl woke up in her pastel blue bed, her digital alarm clock beeping loudly on her bedside table. She turned it off and got up to get dressed, pulling out some clothes from her white painted wardrobe. She put on an off shoulder sweater and a pink skirt as well as one of her favourite necklaces before going downstairs to get something to eat.

She never knew her parents, they abandoned her when she was young due to her condition giving her a toaster instead of a head. she checked her kitchen cupboards for anything to have for breakfast, taking out a singular poptart and putting it in one of the toaster slots in her head. she quickly checked her phone, seeing no new messages. mainly because she had no friends due to being a loser with a toaster for a head. she went onto her Scramblr account (her only social media) and checks her notifications there, seeing a few from her blog about her explaining her condition. checking them, she sees that its mainly just questions about how she copes with others viewpoints and how to survive on your own without parental input. she answers a few before grabbing her fluffy grey coat off of one of her coat hooks, picking her flowery bag off the floor and leaving the house, locking her door behind her.

as she walked down the street, she kept her hood up. Sure, it was 24 degrees Celsius outside, but who cares? her singular eye scanned the pavement in front of her, trying to not make eye contact. Toaster girl hummed quietly to herself, realising shed already reached school. she entered into the cafeteria and sat down at her usual table.

almost immediately she heard one of the popular girls, Ash, come up behind her and started poking her excessively like a dumbass.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey-"

"What." Toaster girl said, annoyed. she stared up at Ashley, whose makeup was looking especially terrible today. she was surprised it was even possible for it to get any more disturbing, she had like, 20 pounds of makeup on.

"why are you a toasterrrr? do you have a head?"

Toaster girl stared at ashley with pure concern. what the hell. ew. no. whose child is this???????? police?????????????????????????????????? help

".........................................no. i dont. im a toaster."

they both stared at each other, like (.___.)

"......................................................................................................thats weird." ashley replied, as if they didnt have this exact conversation the day before.

Toaster girl got up from where she sat and walked out of the cafeteria into a hallway.  as presumed, no one liked her because she was a girl with a toaster for a head, and that was weird as shit. as toaster girl looked at the posters, she felt like someone was watching her. this school is full of fucking creeps. as she turned around she saw one of the kids who picked on her staring at her like a goddamn lunatic. he looked dumb as shit,  which wasn't surprising as he had the logical thinking of a gallium spoon. he then walked away without saying a word.


{+} Time Skip {+}

Toaster girl sat in english class, staring boredly out the window. she was surrounded by more people she doesnt like, mainly because she didnt really like anyone at all. cus they were weird. she opened her english book and stared at the several pages filled with literal toast. this was normal. 

she picked one up and flung it out the open windows to feed the birds. she liked birds, they werent mary sues. seriously, try and think of a mary sue which is also a bird, you cant. it doesnt exist. birds cant be mary sues because theyre BIRDS. as she picked up another slice of toast, she saw one of the popular girls looking at her as if she was insane, apparently feeding birds toast is a foreign concept........ she flung the toast at the girl and it killed her on impact. hm... guess she forgot that stale toast is the weapon of the anti-christ and kills all who get it flung at them. oops.

she took the moment to skip class, as everyone was too focused on the person who had just been murdered by fucking toast to care that she was leaving. as she entered the hallway she saw it was completely empty of all people and was only filled with birds. holy shit thats a lot of fucking birds. one of the birds had a little crown on, they looked badass. hell yeah. king bird, ruler of the birds, looked up at her.

"caw." said the king bird.

"caw to you too." said Toaster girl.

"don't caw at me," said king bird, "that's offensive. I'm fucking offended by your cawing."

Toaster girl looked horrified, she didnt mean to insult the king!

"i am terribly sorry, ive never met a talking bird OR a talking bird who is also king, so i didnt know if youd understand me. please forgive my small-mindedness." she said hurriedly, she felt so silly for being so rude to the king.

"i forgive you." replied the king bird, tipping his fabulous little crown like a fedora. "ive also never met a toaster that can talk, let alone one which is also a human."

"that is because i am a toaster human. its nice to meet you, king bird. you are much more polite than some other humans ive spoken to."

she offered one of the poptarts in one of her toaster slots to the king bird, who took it with great surprise. he stared at it like hed been handed a second badass crown for his first badass crown to wear as a badass crown.

"holyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy shit." the king bird said. "holyyyyYYYYYYYY SHIT."

"do you like your gift? is it adequate?" toaster girl asked intentively.

King bird stared at this poptart like hed been given the fcking elixir of life. i NEED TO DESCRIPE HOW FUCKING GOBSMACKED THE BIRD WAS BECAUSE THIS LITTLE GUY WAS SEEING GOD.

"where the FUCK did you get this. HOLY S H I T. you dont just casually hand a guy the key to alternate dimensions like that, how did you find this?" the kind bird asked, staring up as toaster girl like shed come down from the heavens. toaster girl was confused as shit. this was not normal.

"you must come with us, you are the one we've been waiting eons to arrive. i mean, we knew theyd be a mortal girl of unusual appearance, but we didnt think it would be THIS obvious......."

as toaster girl watched the king in awe as the other birds began to rather around, slowly chanting together.

"bread. bread. bread. bread. bread. bread. bread. BREAD. BREAD. BREAD. BREAD. BREAD. BREAD. BREAD. BREAD. BREAD. BREAD. BREAD. BREAD. BREAD. BREAD. BREAD-"

as the birds continued to chant, toaster girl saw the poptart on the ground begin to glow real fucking bright. like legit this shit gonna make you blind. she was pretty sure shed taken drugs that morning because holy shit this was wack.

and then she passed the fuck out.

Toaster Girl goes on a fucking adventureWhere stories live. Discover now