The truth

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Katie's POV

I couldn't believe what I now know. How am I going to tell billie. Billie right now is staring into the side of my head. I didn't know what to say when she asked me so i said 'nothing'. Which I know she knows it not 'nothing'. 

"Katie." billies voice was stern

I looked at her. 

"what?" i asked even though I know what shes wanting

"Tell me what happened." she said standing up and coming closer. 

"N-nothing happened ok?" 

"Tell me." her voice sent shivers down my spin

I looked away as she kept looking at me. I felt guilty, but how am I supposed to say 'hey you got a sister and your father runs hell and you sister Aqua is going to kill him. And when she does its going to unleash something in you. You would be living in hell right now but you father was scared of you because you are more powerful then him. So he casted you out to here.' 

Yea, i'm gonna have to think of how to tell her this because that definitely was not it. Like, i'm thinking of saying 'hey, I need to talk to you.' ok, yea. That works for the beginning. 

I look over to Billie to say what I was going to start with, but she was pale and looked terrified.

"whats wrong?" I ask

"w-whats wrong!" she yelled, which made me jump. Billie was still right in front of me. She almost had me against the wall so when I jumped I hit the wall, making a loud noise. 

"W-what?" I asked 

"Did you not hear yourself!? you are fucking crazy man." 

I looked at her shocked, Did I really say that out loud? 

"y-you don't believe me?"

"Who would fucking believe that? Can you tell me the truth?" She looked annoyed 

"That is the truth. And if you don't believe me, then.." I didn't finish

"Then what?" she asked

"I'll leave. Aqua wanted me here because when she does kill your guys father it will unleash something. And I will be the only one to save you. To save earth. And that's what you want right? What you mother wants to. To help earth and the animals?" 

She went to say something but before I could process what she said I blacked out. All I heard was a loud thud. 

I saw black. Heard footsteps. 

"H-hello?" I asked a little terrified.

"Billie!?" I yelled, but received no answer 

"She not here." I heard a girl voice. 

Suddenly there was light. I saw billie, but its not her.

"Aqua." i grunted out standing up


"what am I doing here?"

"I needed to talk to you." she stated 

"ok. what do you need to talk about?" 

"Well, I watched the whole telling billie fiasco."

"ok." i said 

" I'm going to show you what will happen if you aren't there for billie. Sound like a plan?" 


"Great." was the last thing I heard when I saw darkness

Then i saw a TV like thing. Like the theater. Then it started.

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