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I turned around hoping to find her. But when I did she wasn't there. I was so confused. I stood there looking everywhere.
"Who are you looking for?" Caleb looked worried.
  "I thought I heard someone say my name, that's all."
  "Ok. Do you want anymore drinks?" That's what it was, I'm just drinking to much.
   " no I'm ok. I think that's what's making me hear shit." He nodded and walked away. Most likely to get a drink for himself.
   "Hey, cutie." no doubt it was just my head playing with me, so I didnt respond. Just kept dancing.
    "So you playin hard to get?" Ok my head cant be tricking me into thinking that there are hands on my waist, right?
  "Get off of me!" I turned around and there was no one there. What is happening to me?
   "Hey, Katie are you ok?" Marlena was in front of me with a worried expression.
   "I'm fine."
   "I know your not but your not gonna tell me why,huh?"
I shook my head no. I dont need anyone thinking I'm a freak, especially my friends.
  "Ok well, come on. Let's go get you some water." She grabbed my hand and lead me into the kitchen.
   "I dont want water." I went to get something stronger but Marlena slapped my hand.
   "What the fuck, marlena?!"
   "You'll thank me later. Now drink this."
   "I dont want it. But if it will make you happy then I will." I took the water and chugged the bottle till it was empty.
    "You happy?"
    "Yes. Now come on I think nikki's friend is here." And with that we were walking back to the corner of the house where our friends were.
    "Hey, nikki is your friend here?"
    "Yep, she just went to go say hi to some friends. She'll be over in a bit."
We all nodded and started talking about random stuff.

  "Hey." I heard that voice again. But this time it made me go crazy. I wanted that voice to go away. I started shaking my head whispering 'go away' over and over again. I started to feel lightheaded but that didnt stop me. I couldn't breathe which just made me panic even more.
   "Katie? Omg Katie what's wrong?!" Marelna yelled to the point where everyone was looking at me.
   "Someone help!"
I knew that if I kept this up  everyone would think I'm crazy. But I didnt care.
   "Hey, it's ok. Just breathe." That voice. It wont go away. I started crying, I felt helpless. I didnt know what was wrong with me. Either it's because I'm wasted or theres something wrong with me.
   I came crashing into the ground. I was still conscious though. But I was on the verge of passing out from the lack of oxygen.
  Someone took my hand and put it on their chest. I could feel their heart beating and their breathing. The opposite of mine. They were whispering in my ear. "Follow my breathing" it's the same voice. It wont go away.
   "W-why wont your v-voice go away?" I barely could get that out.
   "Because I'm talking. I'm right here. But I need you to focus on my breathing, please." I looked up, I saw the girl that I ran into at lunch. But she disappeared. It was her voice I've been hearing all day. But she wasn't at the party when I first heard her voice. How is that possible? Why am I hearing her voice even when she isn't near me?
   "That's good. Keep doing that until you feel stable." I listened. I kept doing that until I could breathe on my own. I was still lightheaded but I think its because I just freaked myself out. The girl helped me up, holding on to me so I didnt fall.
  "Are you ok?" I looked at her. Really looked at her. Her eyes were like the ocean. They were mesmerizing.
   "Um. Yea I'm ok. Just lightheaded."
    "Do you want some water?" I shook my head yes.
She put me on the couch and left. Only to come back with a bottle of water and sat down.
  "Here drink all of this." I did as I was told. Once I was done drinking the water, I looked around. To have all eyes on me.
  "Nothing to see here. Go away." I didnt feel like being stared at hopefully they would stop after telling them to go away.
When they did the music came back on and everyone went to do their own thing. My friends came over and surrounded me asking question at the rate of 50 questions per second. Which only made my head spin.
"Hey guys, why dont you sit down and ask a question one at a time. Its hurting-" the girl stopped once she realized that she didnt know my name.
"Its hurting katie." I looked over at the girl and she smiled. Making me feel fuzzy.
"So this is my friend that I told you guys about." Nikki stated, I looked up at nikki wide eyed. Everyone seemed shocked.
"How did you meet her?" Everyone started asking questions.
" what's her name?"
"Billie eilish" so that's her name.
"Ok, ok. No more questions. Well one more, but it goes to Katie. What happened?" My friends turned to look at me. I didn't know if I should tell the truth or...
  "Um. Well. I-I was hearing a voice. One that wouldn't go away. I heard it at school but didnt know who it was. I heard it again here. I only thought it was because I'm drunk. But when it didnt go away I started to freak out. I felt hands on my waist when I was dancing, but when I turned around no one was there. I heard it again when we were standing there talking about nikki's new friend. I wanted it to go away. So I started to shake my head and saying go away. But it didnt work when I heard it again, by then I couldn't  breathe, but someone helped me." I looked at billie.
" I heard your voice, Billie." Everyone looked at each other, while me and billie just stared into each others eyes. Eventually she spoke up.


"I dont know."

New Girl   (GxG)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora