Information on Soul

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                         Physical appearance:

Hair: long straight black hair
Eye color: very light green eyes
Piercings: ears


                        Biographical information:

Nationality: Agna Qel'a, Northern Water Tribe
Age: 15
Born: 84 AG
Family: Chief Arnook and Princess Yue

Personal information:

Love interest: Sokka, Hahn (formerly)
Profession: firebender, katana swords, close combat.
Affiliation: Team Avatar. The Gaang


• I do not own any part of the atla, nor do I claim it

• I only own Soul (not the art) and the changes made through the story. Cover is by Tatimoons on Instagram

• I do not own any art throughout this story.

• This story will contain mature themes


@aaija_ as Soul 🪽

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@aaija_ as Soul 🪽

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