Chapter 1

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Harry- my mind is racing as I look around but I feel like I am trapped under water as I stay there looking through someone eyes as I see what's happening before me as I watch people around me I thought cared about me and I cared for them as they plan out my life and my death. I thought I could trust them all as I shout and scream at them but it's like I am not there as if I am hiding within the corner watching it all actually planning out in front of me when I am seeing it from someone else vision and I know exactly who.

I feel fury go through me as I feel a source of powerful magic go through me as I wake up coming back to reality as I look around the dark bedroom of the Dursley's home as I watch this orange powerful glistening light go through my arms and legs as well as feeling it on my face and going down my neck as it all goes to the middle of my chest.

I look over to the mirror seeing my eyes glow an amazing orange looking like the magic that goes through me before I scrunch my face up in pain and everything goes black.

I blink awake again noticing it now is morning and that I should probably get up and pack knowing that I am going to the train station to Hogwart today. I sit up when noticing a weight on my back as I get up seeing orange wing with gold feathers at the end making them look beautiful. I hum to myself wondering how I am going to hid them when I roll my shoulders back and the disappear into my back leaving a tattoo of the said wings on my back. I put on a new t-shirt seeing as the one I was wearing before is now ripped in shreds on the floor.

I head downstairs seeing my aunt is the only on up, I head into the kitchen when I seeing her look my way with a weird expression on her face. I tilt my head in confusion "you alright Aunt Petunia?"

Petunia- I nod "I know you went into your creature inheritance last night"

Harry- "my what?"

Petunia- I sigh "that school hasn't been teaching you anything have they, which I am glad I never agreed to go there like Lily"

Harry- "wait your magic too?"

Petunia- I nod "full education"

Harry- "then why are you...?"

Petunia- "Horrible to you because of him" I nod towards upstairs "I was made to marry him by Dumbledore, was never a fan of the old fool especially having to marry a muggle as well, you might think that both me and Lily were Muggleborns but we aren't, we a both purebloods. Our parents were killed by Dumbledore and some of his men, we were put into the muggle system but no one know about our parents death, you know why they were killed it was because they didn't want to join the light side which Lily happily married even though Jame's parents where killed because of Dumbledore and his men. I never understood those two but they always said they were doing it for a reason, a reason to feed off the supposed light side secret and share them with who know who to bring them all down but of course Dumbledore found out and killed them"

Harry- "But Voldemort killed them"

Petunia- "Tom would never do that to a child unless he was under the Imperio which unlike you he can't throw off, Tom is a deep friend of mine and your parents"

Harry- "what about Sirius and Remus"

Petunia- "they were on Tom's side too until one day they clicked and changed side but it was like they were never themselves"

Harry- "why was you forced to marry?"

Petunia- I look down "to save my true lover"

Harry- "who?"

Petunia- "Severus Snape"

Harry- my eyes widen "he is on the light side"

Petunia- "as a spy but Dumbledore is control him like a puppet as he put him under his own potions and spells"

Harry- "and what is it about this creature Inheritance?"

Petunia- "you aren't James true child because of a curse that hit him during when he was at school which made him not capable of having children, lily truly wanted a child and James would of done anything for her, you see Lily was a sear as well as a very powerful dream walker and mind reader, capable of going inside of people thought especially when someone was thinking or talking about her. They said a god helped them out but they never told me who and that this god was good at trickery and mischief but on thing was that he also fell in love with Lily and would of done anything for her, including helping out with having a child, you are his child. Unfortunately your said father had to leave earth and go back home, somewhere like agar, something guard at least"

Harry- "Asgard?"

Petunia- I nod "yeah that's it, he said you where a powerful baby even more powerful than him, they you will become something that will help and change the whole world, some creature but he never said what, that's all I got from Lily before she went into hiding"

Harry- "thank you Aunt Petunia for telling me"

Petunia- "your welcome and I am sorry about the way I have always treated you"

Harry- "it alright we are all in a game we never expected to play or take part in"

Petunia- I smile "you were always smarter than everyone thinks, now use your creature to take you wherever you want to go"

Harry- I nod closing my eyes before landing in Gringotts shocking the Goblins, I walk over "I would like to get my Heirship and Lordships including a day how to get my money out without going backwards and forwards please"

Griphook- I smirk "of course sir" knowing the magical world was in for a surprise



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