Mapholoba:“ what did you just sipho? ” he looks enraged like he can span his head off his shoulders. My dad opens that box wearing a glove then pulls out a huge rat like Alexandra rats. Mapholoba then  takes a steal bucket then they both go to sipho and dad puts the rat into the basket attaching it by putting the basket against his stomach and him so he won’t move around and he sobers up same time.

Dad:“ bring the gas lighter torch boys. ” they bring it and and they light it then dad starts heating the steal bucket and the rat screams inside cause it is getting hot and that makes sipho scream too

Sipho:“ hheeeyyy, hhheyy stop!, stop!, the rat wants to eat my stomach please stop I’ll tell you everything you want to know. He says screaming and crying.

Mapholoba:“ you sick bustard!, you thought you can run away with my daughter and you fucken love her!. After you killed her mother! ” he punches him on the face repeatedly until my dad pulls him off of him.

Sicelo:“ talk sipho, you don’t have a lot of time. ”

Buhle:“ please don’t kill him, I love him! ”

Victor:“ stop this nonsense right now buhle! ” he reprimands her and she cries.

Thuli:“ I knew you loved that little witch, I knew it!. ”

Me:“ where were you going to take lungi? ”

Sipho:“ I was going to ask her to company me somewhere then drug her then leave the country with her. ”

Buhle:“ is that why you never wanted to sell her because you loved her and not me?!. After everything I have done for you and sacrificed you were going to choose her and not me?. How could you!. ” we are all listening to what they are saying and we are mad. I want sipho’s  blood on my hands.

Thuli:“ oh shut up you little tramp, this is all your fault. Why don’t you tell them that it was you who came up with the plan to sell lungi?. Zakes, buhle you all know is a prostitute right?, so one day she comes home and says to me she met a man who told her that he wants her buhle, this one to be his slave. She told him she can’t cause she already has a owner which is sipho, so she tells the man that she can sell him someone else at a reasonable price and they agree to a price of 3 million but the man gives her a check of 1.5 million rands and the rest she was supposed to get it when she delivered your daughter to him” what the fuck!

Me:“ you bitch!, you lied to me and told me that it was sipho who wanted to sell lungi when it was actually your idea! ”

Sipho:“ I was listening to them and I didn’t want them to sell her because she was mine!. Thuli begged and begged me until I agreed but then buhle had to steal from you mbuso then we didn’t get to meet the man because buhle was the only one who knew him. ”

Frank:“ boss, Paul and Mike are here ”

Dad:“ bring them in so they can watch what we do to people who betray us ” Frank leaves and cones with them and they see the mazibuko's and they look shit scared.

Thuli:“ there are other people who are after us cause they were blackmailing us demanding money cause they think that we are the ones who killed that man. ”

Me:“ I’m the one who killed that man. ”

Sipho:“ I knew it was you! ”

Me:“ shut the fuck up sipho! And you bitch!, you wanted to sell lungi then you drug me and rape me, get Mike to help you then you get pregnant and abort the child I never knew existed or how it came to exist because of what buhle! ” I roar in anger