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No Ones POV

A week has passed since (y/n) had everyone round for dinner, and it had been a quiet week.  Nothing to report from the nightly patrols.  To the point where even Leo wondered it was even worth going out.  Raph had been particularly moody this last week.  And the brothers couldn't figure out why.  They just put it down to one of Raph's mood swings.  (Y/n) remained non the wiser to Raph's feelings towards her.  The turtle's had finished training for the morning, Master Splinter has dismissed them so he could meditate.  He once again had the feeling of impending danger, he came out of his meditative state in a cold sweat., breathing heavily.  He made the decision to consult this premonition with Leo.  

'Leonardo, may I speak with you my son?'  Leo look over to see his father standng at the doorway of the Dojo.  'Sure Sensei.'  Leo smiled as he stood from his place on the couch and walked towards the Dojo and his father.   Once Master Splinter was satisfied they were out of earshot of the other three brothers Master Splinter took a deep calming breath.  'My son,  have your nightly patrols uncovered any thing these last few week?'  Leo shook his head.  'No Sensei, the streets have been quiet for weeks now.'   Splinter closed his eyes thinking for a moment.  That did not coincide with the premonition he had had a few months back and again today.  'Hmmmmmm..... my son, stay vigilant, I sense something is coming.  A new threat, be prepared my son.'  Leo's eyes widened.   'What kind of threat Sensei?'  'One not of this world.'  Leo frowned  'The Kraang!' He was sure of it.  'You must ensure your team is ready my son.  For we do not know what we are about to be faced with.'  Leo stand and bows before his father.  'Hai Sensei!'  he says and leaves the dojo to gather his brothers.

Your POV

I had just gotten out of the shower, and while still wrapped in the towel I walked into the kitchen to grab a drink.  My phone was on the kitchen side, I happened to glance down and noticed it was flashing.  I picked it up to see 10 missed calls from Donnie and a text message.  

D; Pack a bag, i'm coming to get you.

'What the.......?'  I thought.  'What's THAT about?'  Before I had a chance to respond I hear Donnie's voice calling me from my bedroom.  'D-Donnie?  What the hell is going on!?'  I demand.  '(Y/n) pack a bag, your coming to stay with us in the lair for a while!'  I look at him with a confused expression on my face.  'Wha?  But why!?'  I stand there with my arms crossed staring him down waiting for an explanation.  'Please, just pack some stuff and i'll explain later.'  I look him dead in the eyes, I can see he's serious.  I hold my hands up in defeat, 'Ok ok!  Im packing!'  I say as I head to the bedroom and grab an overnight bag.  'How long am I packing for?'  Donnie shrugged.  'I dunno, a while.'  'That's IT!'  I throw my bag onto the bed.  'What the HELL is going on here Donnie!!?'  He looked at me evidently surprised at my little outburst.  He sighs.  'We think the kraang are planning something big.  I want you to stay with us in the lair until we're sure there's nothing to worry about.  'What!?'  I ask.  'Please (y/n) pack your things and lets go.  We can talk about it once we're safe in the lair!'  His eyes are pleading with me.  'OK ok, i'll grab my stuff!'  I say, and begin packing.  I'm not really sure how much to pack.  So I grab three pairs of jeans,  a variety of tops and underwear.  I grab my weapons, phone, laptop and chargers.  I grab some basics form the bathroom and yeah, my makeup!  Judge me, I don't care!  I clear out the fridge of all perishables and i'm finally ready.  Donnie grabs my bags from me and hurries me down the fire escape and down the manhole.  One thing  is certain, He's majorly worried about something!  Question is, what!?

 Once we arrived at the lair Donnie took my bags to his room.  'Hey dudette!'  Mikey sings!  'Mikey what the hell is going on?!'  He looked at me  'I uh, i'm not sure i'm the one who should tell ya.'  He says quietly.  '(Y/n)!'  I spun around quickly hearing my name.  'L-Leo!?'  He  walks toward me Raph a little way behind.  'I guess your wondering why Donnie has dragged you down here?'  I look at the two older brothers.  'Well, YEAH!!  What the hell is going on!?'  I demand.  'Let's just wait for the others to arrive and we'll explain everything.'  I huff in frustration.  'Fine!'  I begrudgingly agree.  'Thanks (y/n)' Leo says.  'They shouldn't be long!'  I look over Leo's shoulder to Raph.  He looked at me and shrugged then he just walked away.  'What's eating him?' I wonder.  As I head to the couch and flop down letting out a sigh.  'Don't worry dudette, you'll find out soon!'  Mikey says, noticing my frustration.

When the past catches up Donnie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now