Finding her

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 No ones POV

Donnie knelt down on the mat in front of Master Splinter staring down at the floor.  Donnie was still maskless and it was obvious to his father that he had been crying, his eyeball's were red, and the tell tell black sacks under his eyes tell The rat that his son hasn't slept in a while.  Master Splinter was concerned for Donatello, however decided to conceal his worry as not to make the turtle feel worse. Master Splinter closed his eyes took in a deep breath.  'My son.  What has happened?' A deep sigh came from Donnie and he looked up at his father, with bloodshot eyes and fresh tears threatening to fall.  Try as he might Donnie couldn't hold them back.  'Donatello...?'  It took the Rat Master back a little to see his son in such a state.  'Donatello, what has happened?'  Master Splinter kneels in front of the genius.  'Take a deep calming breath my son.  Come, breath with me.'  After a few minutes of breathing Donnie had calmed down enough to explain all that had happened.  Master Splinter's ears fell back as he was deeply saddened by what Donnie had told him. 

'Oh my son, this is quite the mess.  Has anyone spoken to (y/n)?'  'Hai sensei, April spoke with her briefly the other day.  But she did not want to see any of us'  Master Splinter thought for a moment while stroking his beard.  'Donatello, you must find (y/n) and bring her home to her family.'  Donnie looks up at his father confused.  'But Sensei, i'm the last person she wants to see.  She hates me.  She said I was no better than Pete.'  Splinter reaches forward and puts a hand on Donnie's shoulder.  'But my son, you are better than him, because you did not actually do anything, except for what you thought was the right thing, and that was to help someone.'  Donnie thought about that for a second.  'That's true Sensei, but (y/n) doesn't see it like that.'  'Then you must make her see it.  Donatello (y/n) loves you deeply.  I have felt it, I have seen it in both meditation and in all she does for you and us.  She doesn't want to be apart from you any more than you do her.'   Donnie's eye widen.  'But how will I finder her?  She's not at her apartment.'  Master Splinter smiles.  'You are ninja!  You will find her.'  They both stand and Donnie bows to Master Splinter before throwing himself into his fathers arms and hugging him tight.  'Thanks Dad.'  He whispers.  Master Splinter does not hesitate to return his sons affection.  'You are most welcome my son, now go, find (y/n) and bring her home!'  Donnie stands straight and looks up to his Masters eyes.  'Hai Sensei!'  He said and ran from the dojo.

Meanwhile in the kitchen the other three brothers waited for Donnie to come out.  'What do you think Splinter will say about all this?'  Mikey asks his two older brothers.  'I dunno Mikey.  Splinter really seemed to like (y/n).  Im sure he's disappointed.'  Leo said.  Mikey let out a long sigh.  Just then Donnie came into the kitchen.  'D, what did Splinta say?'  Raph asks.  'Gentleman, we have a family member to find!'  Donnie announces tying his mask up   'Oh yeah boi!!  Gonna bring (y/n) home!!'  Mikey sings fist pumping the air.  

Your POV

After my early morning tussle with the PD's Jen obviously had questions.  'So gurl, you got some explaining to do!'  I smiled awkwardly.  'Kinda thought you were gonna say that, heh'  I said taking a sip of my coffee.  'So spill!'  Jen said.  'Ok ok!  I er... well, my Boyfr..... uh, ex boyfriend'  Wow that hurts to say it out loud.  'Well He and his brothers are into martial arts, their Dad is a grand Master actually, so I may have been training with them for a while.'  Jen just stared at me.  'Shut the front door!!  That's amazing!!'  She says excitedly.  'So who were those punks?'  I sigh.  'There's a huge street gang  here in the city called the Purple Dragons.  They think they own the streets of New York.  Truth is they are like the minions of a level one boss in a video game.'  Jen looks at me, 'Heh oops, did I just show my inner geek then.'  I ask blushing.  Jen smiled, 'Yeah, ya did.'  'Sorry bout that'  I say taking another sip of coffee.  'Heh Donnie used to love when I accidently showed my geeky side'  I thought.  'Ugh stop it!'  I scolded myself again!  'So have you thought anymore about what your going to do regarding your ex?'  I sigh.  'Which one?'  I ask.  'Heh heh gurl, you funny!!  This Donnie guy.'  'Oh, I erm, I dunno yet.  It's still a bit raw.  But I need to go back to my apartment at some point soon.  I can't stay in the hotel forever.'  I say.  'Hmmhmm... and your friend, uh April is it?' I nod 'I spoke to her briefly last night.  I miss her.'  I say sadly.  'Well gurl why don't you go back and speak to them?'  'I will, I just need another day or so.'  I promise.  We walk back the hotel and part ways for day, promising to have dinner together later.  

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