Unwelcome feelings

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For anyone wondering the band used in this chapter are in fact my friends in real life and the lead singer really is my tattoo artist!

No ones POV

A couple of weeks have passed,  work has been going well for (y/n) Pete hasn't returned to the shop for the items of furniture he showed interest in, and she was relieved about that.  It was late saturday afternoon.  'So what are your plans for tonight (y/n)?'  Ms. M asked.  'Oh im having Donnie and his brothers over to mine tonight.  I thought it would be good for them to have a change of scenery.'  'That sounds nice my dear.  I was thinking of closing the shop early today, it's been rather quiet for a saturday.'  (Y/n) looks at Ms M.  'That would be helpful , I need to stop off at the store on the way home to get ready for tonight.'  Ms M smiled.  'Then why don't you head off?  I can lock up the shop.'  (Y/n) looks at Ms M.  'Are you sure?'  I ask.  'Of course My dear, go on and get ready for your night in with your family.'  (Y/n)  smiles feeling her heart swell at that comment.  'My family' She repeats in her head.  ' Oh thank you!  I'll make it up to you!'  (Y/n) promises as she grabs her coat and bag, and leaves to head to the store to get what she needed to make dinner tonight. 

Whilst she was debating what to make everyone for dinner (y/n) glanced up to see a familiar figure walk into the isle she was in.  'Ugh.  He's still around then.'  She thought to herself as she saw Pete wandering and looking at the shelves.  'Well, he has much right to be in the store as anyone else I guess, just ignore him!'  She told herself.  As she continued with her decision making.  She decided on Mexican, so she picked up the things she needed to make a chilli and nachos.  Beef, tomatoes, kidney beans, chilli powder, onions.  And for the nachos she grabbed a couple of bags of the nacho chips, and the salsa, cheese and salad.  Along with some sour cream, beers for the guys and some wine for April and herself.  She began to head to the check out point.  But just before she made it she came face to face with Pete.  He stopped and looked at her waiting, hoping she would say something.  She simply looked at him 'Excuse me'  is all she said to the man she once loved as if he was nothing to her as she walked around him.  A fresh sadness washed over Pete as he looked around at her to see her continue to the check out to pay.  

Your POV

I sigh in relief as I head to the checkpoint to pay, and rushed to back to my place to begin cooking.  I made a huge pot of chilli and rice, got the nachos ready and chopped the salad.  Everything was ready for the guys.  Casey and April were the first to arrive.  The turtles arrived a little after dark.  'Hey dudette!'  Mikey chimed as he climbed through the window in my bedroom letting us know they had arrived.  'Hey guys!  We're through here!'  I called  'Hmmmmmm..... somethin smells good!' Raph said as he walked through to the lounge.  'I made chilli!'  I replied.  'Oh yeah! I love your chilli!'  Donnie says happily.  'Thanks (y/n) this is a nice change.'  Leo says  'Aw your welcome Leo, guys help yourselves to drinks in the fridge.' I say.  'Thanks for doing this'  Donnie says planting a kiss on my cheek causing me to giggle.  'Any time' I say.  How was your day?'  'Well, I got some upgrades done, and finished a few more spy roaches.'  I smile.  'Productive then?'  I say with a giggle.  

No ones POV

No one notices but from the other side of the kitchen Raph glances at the couple as he feel his stomach twist.  He feels so bad for feeling the way he does about (y/n) but he can't help it.  He knows it just because he wants to find someone. He would never admit it to his brothers but since Mona left to return to her home planet he has been feeling lonely, and there's so much about (y/n) he can relate to.  And unbeknown to him throughout the evening she would look even better in his eyes by the end of the night.  (Y/n) put all the food out in serving bowls so everyone could help themselves as and when they wanted.  

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