Ch2: Tournament

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^still a backflash^

Asmodeus greatly praised Iruma and enthusiastically told him that he couldn't wait for the upcoming tournament. He himself had greatly improved in his fire magic and bonded with his familiar whenever he could. His other classmates were the same though some studied more than trained.

While Iruma was busy in the Library the staff sometimes passed by to check on the boy. Ballam once rounded the corner only to stop dead on his tracks when he saw his stern colleague peek in through the Library doors, observing Iruma practice his magic by cleaning the shelves with the spells in the Grimoire. Kalego would have denied it if someone had asked him if he was proud of his student but actually he was. And he was glad that he wasn't summoned either but anyway he would call for Cerberus for those who stated any such 'Lies'.

It was the day of the Tournament. Iruma stood, for once, with a certain amount of confidence in himself.

It was undercover or in stand-by Modus, but he also had two crystals floating next to him. One held his book, a grimoire according to Ari-san (Ring of gluttony) and the other was more of a storage device.

Each of the students had picked up on this change more or less and some took it as an open invitation for a challenge; for example Sabnock did, quite openly at that

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Each of the students had picked up on this change more or less and some took it as an open invitation for a challenge; for example Sabnock did, quite openly at that.

"Iruma-Sama, I apologize for my absence during the time before this Tournament. It appears as though that you have grown up even more as a demon. I, Asmodeus Alice, wish to apploud you and stand witness to your new prowess!"

"Hey Iruma! If there's a fighting test team up with me I wanna fight you!" Sabnock's words didn't sit well with Asmodeus. Thus the two quarreled for a bit which almost resulted in them calling forth their familiars if not for a stern "Silence!" from Kalego who yelled through the mic. None one said anything if he didn't say anything afterwards.

Kalego took a deep breath before starting a speech.

"Welcome back students! I hope for you that you took the time given to you to study till you dropped dead for this very day! The tournament will start with the same procedure as the freshman examination! However! The flight course will not be held as we don't want you idiots to crash into each other! Now we start with..." with that the school hymn was sung and the tests began. The History test was freestyle, so everyone held a lecture in front of their homeroom teacher about a specific subject they studied during the preparations.

Needless to say Iruma talked about humans much to Ballam-sensei's enjoyment and his classmates expectations. They figured he'd pick fictional figures as he's the top student in that subject. In the botanic test they were to grow a plant. Iruma had picked the seed up before throwing it into the schools pond which almost disqualified him had they not heard him mutter the incantation. They waited for two minutes before they saw something appear on the water surface, according to Iruma it was called a lotus flower. Stolas-sensei who found the flowers characteristics charming awarded Iruma with a nice amount of points for her test.

For the familiar exam, Iruma scored an average amount of points as well... Let's just say Kalego-sensei was.. not able to behave on good terms too much.
During the next test -a combo of parkour and combat- something happened that would scar everyone that knew Iruma till their death..: his.

Well according to them.

To Iruma's relief this test was also held without flying. What he didn't account for was that some students were out for him as he was the abnormal class's... 'King'. They took the combat too far wanting to prove themselves that they attacked Iruma with barrages of spells, weapons and some familiars. This happened in the middle of the parcour when most of his classmates and other students were either exemplary at the front or to lazy and thus at the back. The only ones who were nearby were Jazz, Spax and Elizabeth.

The entire thing was broadcasted at the school so every demon could see the race. The teachers got a shiver when they saw how different students whispered to each other while approaching Iruma who jumped and ducked under a few obstacles, some with traps on them (was impressive as always). Opera made a fist and opened his red eyes wide as the first demon attacked Iruma with a fire spell completely throwing Iruma of guard. Thank the previous Maou's that Iruma's evasion talent saved him from it. The students however didn't let up, they charged at him.

"Iruma!" shouted Spaz with Jazz close behind him, Elizabeth went back to the previous checkpoint to call for help. Ballam was wild with shock, looking at Kalego it almost looked like the stern teacher was hoping that Iruma will summon him for help, almost. The adults were in outrage the further they watched. How could students do something.. something so cowardly and unfair!? Attacking the terrain was one thing but another student was forbidden!

"Guys! Help! Some demons are attacking Iruma!" shouted Elizabeth to her fellow classmates. Sabnock and Asmodeus (with Clara on his back.. again) who went ahead in good competition haltet their speeds having heard the yelling through the speakers. Immediately they turned back inwardly cursing the rule of 'no-flying' in the parcour.

The students attacking Iruma grew bolder with each missed attempt that they became more impatient and launched their spells more recklessly at the actual human. Not paying any attention to the spells they cast as they progressively grew more and more bloodthirsty and vicious.

Just as most of Babylus's student body and some teachers arrived near the scene which was next to Cutthroat Valley (they were to jump from Plattform to Plattform or find a way across) a giant barrage of spells and attacks of the familiars was launched in a combined attempt to reach Iruma who had beencornered to run close to said plattforms border.

"No!/ Iruma!/ -kun!/ -Sama!" yelled the ones present seeing the said student getting cut, burned, sliced, pierced, rammed, and many other things with the attack as their was no way to evade. Ballam, Opera, Sullivan and the student council president were the most disturbed, they dreaded the outcome of the attacks on the small human that they came to love and or like.

Iruma's 'dead' body hit the ground with a crunch sound as it slowly rolled out of reach near the end of the Plattform. They saw how one of his arms was cut off, his chest pierced, his abdomen in a twist with burnt of flesh revealing part of his bones. His face was... cracked in an odd angle that it looked like an owl turning its head with its eyes frozen closed. One of his legs was looking like a noodle, without any bones in it, while the other looked almost like cheese with the amount of holes in it. They felt sick, it was horrifying to see.

They stood, gaping how it rolled and rolled and rolled... till it was too late and it fell into the dark horrid reknown bottomless Abyss of Cutthroat Valley. The blood shed was slowly evaporated like dust from the ginormous heat waves near the area.

That day, they lost him, they lost a dear friend. They had watched a student, a kid, die before their very eyes... and just stood there.

~Flashback over~

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