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Hello readers, so I know you all are probably sad that this story is discontinued and that I have left no leeway for you to perhaps imagine how this story could conclude. Well, perhaps you have your own ideas about that but, I have texted someone who asked me if this were the end and I thought 'Uhm, yeah, I'm not writing anymore. But oh wait, I have drafts and unpublished points of the story they might like.. And it's not like I can't gift them or not let the readers have their fun with those' so o asked them if they would like me to publish them which they positively confirmed.

So here.

Take note to ignore the other notices that I might've planned to publish as the story progressed, and that it might not make sense since I've changed my mind about certain points and events here.
I hope you'll like the OVA's that I made too unfinished as they are.

Where Is He!? (discontinued) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant