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Yeah so I have no motivation for the actual story line right now but I have gained a bit of inspiration from a few very rare reaction videos. -This is not a part of my story, see it as a entirely different AU please.


Makai was as loud and busy as always with students and teenagers having a screaming contest and the adults rushing about their lives with Kalego being a star example for all and getting his Cerberus to calm his students ass down as they were (for some of them more than others) behaving like shitty children.
Though most of Babylus would agree in saying everything's normal. So yeah, it was another great day and the purple sky was embracing for all those who wished to just ditch classes. An occupational hazard among the Royal One class apparently.

Iruma's POV

"Iruma-chi duck!" said Clara before dragging my head down since Sabnock's and Azazel's familiars were 'dancing' and tussling around everywhere. I closed my eyes thinking back on how this all started...

~~~~~~le flashback~~~~~☆

"Iruma-sama do you have anything planned for today?" asked me Azz-kun after sitting down on his part of the desk.
"No, not particularly. But grandpa wants to show me around Makai a bit this Weekend as a family picnic. Opera-San is also coming along with us" I replied expectant and a bit nervous of how that's gonna go.

"Hm? A picnic trip around Makai?" stated Sabnock-kun bringing himself into our conversation. Azz-kun didn't seem to like it seeing how his face gave off the impression 'rude' and he was giving annoyed eyes at our classmate.
"What wrong with it?" I asked him. Is there something I should better know about beforehand? I wondered concerned for my wellbeing yet again.

Sabnock: Just that you should totally view the firevore valley or the hell's nest! Whenever my family goes on a trip we never leave out those places!

Clara: But isn't the first a canyon where fire shoots in the air all the time and lava's everywhere?
And the other has multiple monsters roaming in it?

Sabnock: You know it!?
Clara: My mamma always tells us that none of us should go there 'cuz its too dangerous for most demons.
Sabnock: Pssh! -as if! Even my little sister loves it there!

Azz: I won't allow Iruma-sama to go to such a place alone!
Sabnock: Oh c'mon! You need to give him space sometimes your not good mother!

~~~~~~end of flashback~~~~~☆

And yeah it went to even more exaggerated spit-takes that would even make Croeri-san want to use her ice abilities to keep all the fluid or steam away from her... *creak* my ears picked up an all to familiar sound. The door closed accompanied by an all to familiar shout, "SILENCE!!".

Peeking over the table me and Clara hid behind, we saw our teacher Kalego-sensei looking as scary (if not a bit more) than usual. Probably because of the noise we made... I quietly whined to myself drawing my head to the side downwards.

"Sit." he said short, but sharply. It was clear that he didn't want to waste time ..unless its for class (lessons) or his punishments. Of course we sat down, who wouldn't if they had someone like Kalego-sensei as their homeroom teacher, at the same time, the two familiars dissappeared. He walked to the podium bringing down our class's attendance book with a strict but elegant handposition.

He walked further upfront so he stood to the podiums upper right, consequently, that was closer to our row. He looked displeased looking at his narrowed eyes and how the back of his eyebrows was raised. "Finally your seated. I have been informed by Ballam-sensei that some of you have been negligent in your studies about fantasy creatures and are beginning to drop into a grade warranting one step towards expulsion! If it was somebody else's class I wouldn't bother but I won't tolerate it from my own students! As such me and Ballam-sensei have decided to give you an opportunity to gain extra points for your pathetic grades!".

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