"You know, I really appreciate this." Mira said.

"Hmm." Chaeyoung settled for a grunt—no telling what scathing remark would blurt out if she opened her mouth.

Mira yawned. "So, are you going to fix it?"

Chaeyoung fixed her with an incredulous stare. "Do I look like a mechanic to you?"

"No, but you look like you have talented hands."

Chaeyoung ignored Mira's  flirtatious remark. "Sir, did you call a tow truck?" she asked the driver.

The white-haired man nodded. "Please, call me Yoshi. They said it would take anywhere from one hour to three hours to get to us—"

"—and I have a meeting with the board in half an hour." Mira's interrupted.

"I suppose you want a ride?" Chaeyoung asked reluctantly.

"Always." Mira winked.

Chaeyoung and Mira's driver exchanged glances and rolled their eyes. Chaeyoung slid into her car. "Hurry up, then. I don't have all day."

Mira turned and hissed to her driver, "Stay with the car, Yoshi, and I may consider keeping your services."

The driver rolled his eyes heavenward. Why was he always saddled with the spoiled sister?

Chaeyoung glanced over as Mira got in the passenger seat and looked around the car with barely concealed distaste. "Where's Yoshi?"

"He volunteered to wait for the tow truck. Nice car."

"It's my friend's, and it works, which is more than I can say for yours."

"Ooh, kitty's got claws. Nice to know you're more than just a pretty face."

"So Mina  tells me." Chaeyoung smirked when Mira scowled at the mention of her sister.

Chaeyoung studied her high-school tormenter through the corner of her eyes. She had to admit, it was understandable why people found Mira so fascinating. Her beauty, wit, and arrogance were captivating to those who didn't experience her cruelty firsthand. Her flirtatious manner, disconcertingly similar to Mira's , drew men and women to her like bees to a flower. Hell, the one advantage that Mira  had over Mina was age—5 years older meant she exuded a greater aura of confidence and maturity than her younger sister. Still, Mira  was that same bully she was as a teenager—the treatment of her driver proved it.

If Chaeyoung knew Mira  as well as she (unfortunately) did, Mira  would turn up the charm near anyone she found attractive, and Chaeyoung wasn't blind—she knew Mira  found her attractive. The plan was to be as rude and short as possible with Mira …maybe her complete lack of manners would discourage the other woman!

"Mina said you were quiet, but I didn't think you were mute," Mira commented.

"Does it bother you?" Because if it did, Chaeyoung would happily stay silent for the entire ride.

"Not at all. I like the strong and silent type."

Fuck. Shit. Balls. The one time Chaeyoung wanted to discourage a pretty girl from hitting on her, it was failing miserably.

"Aww, I didn't mean to get you flustered—even if it is cute."

"Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not even remotely flustered." Chaeyoung shot back scathingly.

"Ohhh, so defensive! Relax, it was a joke." Mira winked.

Chaeyoung's jaw tightened. "I'm not sure if Pretty-Boy Kizan would laugh at your jokes."

Love me SenseiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora