
I do like somebody.

"We hang out everyday.... and they always take the lead..."

And it's him...

"They always goof around... making everyone confused... but I'm not confused"

No way is he talking about...


"Even though they always hide behind a mask"

"I've seen the real them before...."

I started shaking

No way...

"And let me tell you... Koki..."

"It's magical"

What is happening...?

"They love Panta... and they always have one lying around..."

He was smiling

He kept on smiling at me

Even when things were rough

Even when he should have hated me

He kept on smiling...

I began to tear up

"They like purple a lot.."

But.. I

"And the best part is, is that they lead a secret organisation with over 10,000 members!"

"I guess that's what an Ultimate Supreme Leader does..."

But... I'm the...

"What I'm trying to say is..."

No way this can't be happening....

Can it?

"I like you, Kokichi"

"Wh... What...?"

He just...


I started to sob

"I-I like you t-too"

"Y-you do??!"

I looked up at him, still crying


He immediately blushed until he realised I was crying.

He pulled me into his arms and it was so comforting

I could fall asleep right there...


"So..." he said after a while

"Do you think..." I said slowly, him releasing me from his grasp

"W-we could.."


"Of course..." he said. I hugged him tightly

"Hey Kokichi..." "Yeah...?" I said a bit tired "you don't have to be afraid anymore." He said "Huh..?" "Like I said before,"

"I'm going to help you"


I just stared at him until the only words I could muster fell out of my mouth.

"Thank you..."

He was smiling that comforting, beautiful, smile

"It's late... we should probably get back to the dorms..." he said "yeah..." I agreed, tired "Hm.." he looked at me and frowned... oh no.. was he getting second thoughts?! "Here..." he said, and before I could do anything he picked me up bridal style "wha.. WhaAAa.." I yelped "hehe calm down silly" I suddenly felt a wave of tiredness wash over me "*yawn*hmm..." "hehehe tired?" He asked teasingly "duh..." I said "Well then sleep, were going to my dorm, okay?" "Okaaayyy..." i said slurring my words a bit. "Hehehe!" I heard him laugh a bit before my world went dark and I drifted off the sleep.


When I woke up, I was in Shumai's room and he was next to me sat upright reading. He seemed to notice that I was awake.

• Shuichi's POV •

I looked down at him as he began to sit up "Hehe.. Morning Kokichi." "Nnghh morniingg.." he said as he sat up. "Wait, it's morning already..?" "Yeah hehe... you must have been tired" I said "shouldn't we go to breakfast..?" He asked "No, it's pretty early so we have a few hours." "Oh.. ok...." he said looking at his hands. I sighed "Do you want to cuddle...?" He looked at me as his eyes lit up "If it's okay!" "Of course." I put down my book and layed down with him. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer.

• Kokichi's POV •

He was so warm... I felt so safe, I never wanted this to end...

But what if it did...?

My face turned to worry as I went over all the possibilities.

What if somebody killed me?
What if I finally cracked and killed myself??
W-What if someone kills him?!?
What if he killed himself?!?!
What if-

"Kokichi! What's wrong!?" He asked, frantic as he sat us both up "I-I..." I realised that I was crying "Hey.. come here" he opened his arms and pulled me into a hug. "What's wrong..?" He asked gently "...I-I just..." "you don't have to talk about it you know-" "N-no I'll talk" "Okay"

• Shuichi's POV •

"I-I'm just..." he sighed "What if somebody killed you o-or me! O-or if-" "I won't let that happen Kokichi" I gave him a reassuring smile "we're both going to make it through this. Okay?" "Okay.." We stopped hugging and I held his hand, intertwining his fingers with mine, I rested my forehead on his. "I love you" he blushed bright pink and replied "I-I love you too.." 

*Ding Dong*

*Bing Bong*

"Rise and shine, Ursine!"

"Gooooooood morning! It's 8:00 Am so that means it's time to get up!" Monophanie announced "LETS-ALL-GET-ALONG-TODAY" Monodam said
"Wait what were we talking about?" Monotaro asked

"So-long! Bear-well!"

Kokichi sighed "Monokubs" "yeah.." I said "anyway we should get breakfast" I said "Good idea Saihara-Chan!"

A/N  W O R D S: 1129
Idk aaaa

• "I'll help you" • Saiouma • HIATUSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz