Începe de la început

I hope they are doing fine.


"Sonju, Musica, where are we going again?" I asked the two who's staying behind me, I am riding the horse while they are walking behind me as if they were guarding my surroundings—what are they?! My bodyguards?!

But, I'm used to this.

It always happen whenever we look for another place we can take shelter to. But, now, they didn't tell me why we left the underground cave.

"Some humans are looking for me and Musica, that's why we need to leave it as soon as possible," Sonju answered, wait, what?

Humans? Looking for Musica and Sonju? Wait, HUMANS?! Why would they even search for Sonju and Musica? I mean, humans? Well, it's not impossible. Sonju and Musica were hunted since before, but...why so sudden? And humans?

Oh, come to think of it, they aren't telling me yet why they were hunted before.

"Sonju, Musica...why were you being hunted again?" I asked without looking back, so I didn't know what their reactions are. I really want to know the reason why, what had occur that made the other demons hunt them?

"Hmm, I guess it's the right time to tell you," Musica said and she started talking. I also made sure to activate my communication device, if ever Ray's there to listen.

"Since I was born, I know I'm different. I never get degenerated like any other demons out there, no matter what I eat, my body never change. I was even called a miracle child and all of them feels lucky to have me. I helped the other demons who are turning into wild demons and they were thanking me as they join our group, all of us wandered around and continue helping the other demons. I made a lot of friends because of that and we also stopped eating humans," Musica paused, I stare on the way and crease my forehead. So she already did it before? Helping other demons? But...how did it end up this way?

I hope Ray is listening on his device.

"Yeah. But, the nobles caught them, her friends, and ate them all, they imprisoned Musica so she won't get in their way. They are afraid that Musica might steal the power from them," Sonju said, power, huh? They killed and ate Musica's friends just because they were afraid that Musica might get in their way...?!

"They were eaten by the nobles to maintain their human form. Since they have Musica's blood, if they eat them they won't degenerate as well. After that, they spread a false rumor that Musica's blood is cursed, that once you digested her blood you'll die. They said that her blood is toxic for the demons, that's why they all helped each other to catch her and kill her," Sonju added, wha---what the hell are they thinking?! Those demons just wanted to eat humans! They could use Musica's blood to fix this rotten world, yet they---they chose not to. They just wanted to feast on humans forever!

"My master taught me something, and it's the reason why I understood everything," Sonju spoke. His master, huh? I wonder if his master is still alive.

'Everything that lives is precious life created by the Gods, life hunts other life, all of life is connected to each other. The hunt is borrowed, life is also borrowed, it is not a gift, everything in this world is what we borrowed from the Gods. So we must pay them, for our own life and all the life surrounding us. Always extend your hand to share to others, always lend your hand to help your kinds. And thus, whatever we borrow from the Gods should be returned to them, that's the order that we must protect'

𝘍𝘢𝘵𝘦 •|| 𝑇𝑃𝑁 𝑅𝑎𝑦𝑋𝑂𝐶: 02194 ✦ (Completed)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum