Chapter 32

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“What?  What is it?” Mary asks, leaning across the table with her hand out, waiting for me to pass my phone to her. 

I hand it over as Nicole leans to the left to get a better view of the phone in Mary’s hand.  We all watch as Mary’s mouth drops open and then turns into a huge smile.

“Oh, my gosh, is this for real?” she turns to face Rocky.

“Is what for real?  I can’t see anything!” Nicole grabs my phone out of Mary’s hand.

“Yes, we’ll be playing our show on October 28th, in honor of your birthday,” Rocky wraps his arms around his girlfriend as she hugs him.  “And to celebrate mine a few days later of course.”

"You are seriously the best boyfriend ever,” Mary gushes.  “You guys are amazing as well,” she addresses the rest of the table.  “I cannot wait for my birthday now!”

We then spend the rest of the afternoon eating pizza and swimming, talking all about the tour and the five days that the band will be in Buffalo with us, since their next show isn’t until November 2nd.  As soon as we made the realization that it also means they’ll be spending Halloween with us, we all starting suggesting different ideas for our costumes.  Going back homes never looked so good, especially since there is something to look forward to.


The Teen Choice Awards were only a week away and I still haven’t been able to find the perfect outfit to wear.  Not only will there be a bunch of photographers and interviewers on the red carpet, who may or may not take a picture of me, but inside during the show, the camera will probably lock onto R5 at least once, meaning that I will also be broadcasted onto live, national television.  The last thing I needed was to look like a fashion disaster in front of everyone, especially when I hopefully get the chance to meet a bunch of famous people.  This show was like a dream come true for me.  I have been watching it for years and adored a great amount of the people who attended the show and won awards. 

“So who do you think the boys will introduce us to?” Nicole asks as she walks into my room and flops down onto my bed.

"Been thinking about next week too?” I ask, not taking my eyes of my laptop as I browsed for dresses online. 

“You bet!  What are you looking at?” she scoots herself up so that she is sitting next to me on my bed.  “You know, the best thing to do is to probably actually go out and look at the stores.”

 “Yeah, I know, it’s just so overwhelming!” I say, clicking to load another page.

“And this isn’t?” Nicole gestures to the 72 dress designs that just popped up on my screen.

“Okay, maybe you’re right,” I shut my laptop.  “Go grab Mary and I’ll call up Rydel.  Then we’ll go out and see what we can find.”

 “I’m on it, sir,” Nicole salutes and turns on her heel, marching out of my room in search of our best friend.  Rydel eagerly agrees to come along, saying she still hasn’t found the perfect shoes for her dress yet.  The four of us quickly climb into Rachel’s car and head into the heart of the city, Rydel directing us to the perfect stores. 

By the time we had walked into our sixth store, everyone had found what they were looking for except me.  “I just want to find the perfect dress,” I explain while sorting through a rack of dresses, frowning at the obscene price on a sleek black cocktail dress.

“We understand, Elizabeth.  Don’t you worry; I have a good feeling about this place,” Nicole says while wandering off into the back of the room.  We all fan out and tackle various racks of clothes.  I don’t have an image of the perfect dress inside my head, but I’m sure that when I see it, I’ll know it. 

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