Chapter 21

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Elizabeth’s P.O.V.

“Are you serious,” I question Nicole from the backseat of Riker’s car.  “We’re going bowling?”

“Yeah!  I haven’t been bowling in forever and I thought, why not?  Dinner, movie and now bowling – all of those cliché date ideas,” Nicole laughs, climbing out of the car. 

We all file into the bowling alley that was empty except for the last row where two people were really getting into the game.  I watched as they both scored a strike and a sense of dread washed over me as I remembered just how bad of a bowler I am.  But hey, at least I can be something for everyone to laugh at. 

Ross leads me over to the counter where I trade in my ankle boots for a pair of bowling shoes.  “Let the games begin,” I mutter under my breath as I grab a purple ball and Ross barks out a short laugh having heard my comment.


“Well I don’t know about you but I had an amazing time tonight,” Ross tells me as we stand on my cousin’s front porch, our hands intertwined.  The bowling had gone over just as horribly as I had expected.  I had a measly score of 80 in the first game and 97 in the second.  It is safe to say that I definitely came in last place.  I kept promising them that if we would have played with bumpers my score would have been a lot higher, but no one seemed to believe me.  Honestly, my score probably would have gone up no more than ten points, but they did not need to know that.  After our two games we decided to call it a night.  Mary had already disappeared inside after saying good night to Rocky and I pretended to not notice the quick kiss he placed on her lips before walking back to his house.  Ellington and Rydel had gone off somewhere but just then I watched as his car pulled out of the Lynch’s driveway and drove down the street while Riker and Nicole were still inside his car.

“It was a lot of fun!” I agreed, pulling on Ross’s hands lightly so that he was forced to take another step towards me.  “Do you want to come inside?” I quietly question.

“You know I’d love to, but I probably shouldn’t,” Ross sighs.  “I don’t want your cousin getting any bad impressions of me.”

“She’s already met you plenty of times and trust me, she loves you.  Besides, it’s not like she’s the boss of me; I am almost nineteen,” I say, leaning in so that our lips are a mere inch from touching, teasing him as our breath mingles together.  “And I do believe I promised you that we would pick up where we left off earlier today,” I continue, knowing I have got him hooked as the look on his face showed that he did indeed remember the passionate kiss we had shared before our date had even started. 

Ross sighs loudly before giving in, promising to only stay for a few minutes.  I really hoped he would end up breaking that promise and if I had anything to do about it, I know he will. 

Nicole’s P.O.V. 

“What’s wrong?” I ask Riker, placing a comforting hand on his knee once Ross and Elizabeth had gotten out of the car.  In between our games, Riker and Ross had a secretive conversation that involved a bit of whispering and since then, Riker seemed to have shut down.  Whatever Ross told him was not something he particularly wanted to hear; that was clear to me.  He is such an optimistic and cheerful guy all of the time, it would have to be something big to turn him this solemn. 

“Do you trust me?” Riker suddenly asks, turning to look me in the eye. 

“Wh-what?” I say, taken back by his outburst of a question.  “Of course I trust you, what makes you say that?”

“I know we haven’t known each other that long, or have been dating very long either, but why didn’t you just tell me that you were hoping to set up my brother and sister tonight?  It didn’t take long for Ross and I to figure out your plan and then Elizabeth told Ross all about it tonight at bowling.  And how it was your idea to keep it a secret from us in order to avoid any interference from our end.”

"Riker, I -”

“I know it’s a stupid thing to get upset about but the issue does relate to trust and that is something I value and believe is very important to have in any relationship.  You know you can tell me anything, I won’t judge you for it or ever tell anyone your secret if you don’t want me to,” he finishes, his eyes now focused on the bright green numbers displaying the time on the dashboard.  I look at the numbers as well and watch as the time changes from 12:31 to 12:32 before opening my mouth to speak. 

“I do trust you, Riker.  I really do.  In the past, I have met people who lack that trait and sometimes I forget who I can and cannot trust.  I didn’t realize just how much you wanted to know but from now on, I will tell you anything and everything.  So go ahead!  Ask me whatever it is you want to know.  I promise I will answer it honestly.”

As if on cue, my phone placed gingerly in my lap starts to ring as a name and face flash across the front.  My stomach drops as I see who it is and I glance over at Riker whose eyes are now glued at the screen. 

“Okay.  Question number one.  Who is Nate and why is there a heart next to his name in your phone?” 

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