Chapter 10

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I clear my throat loudly to let Riker and Nicole know I was there.  They both turn to look at me as I say, “Nicole, can we talk?  It will only talk a minute”, I reassure her.

She silently stands up and follows me into the living room where I sit on the couch and wait for her to join me.  She stands firmly at the other end of the couch, arms crossed as she looks down at me.  When she makes it obvious she did not have any intention in joining me I decide to dive into my speech.

“So, I know even though you told me you’re okay with me and Ross, I know it’s not true.  I mean, we’ve fangirled over him for quite some time and I know it felt like we already knew him before we actually met him in person.  You’re my best friend and I can’t imagine what it would be like to lose you which is why I want you to give me a completely honest answer in telling me how you really feel about Ross and me.”

“I was honest when I told you last week that I don’t care what happens between Ross and you.  You guys can do whatever the hell it is you want, it doesn’t bother me anymore.  I spent so much time ‘fangirling’ as you put it, over Ross that I never really paid much attention to Riker.  But now I am and it turns out I think I like him more than I liked Ross.  You have nothing to worry about.  I’m not mad at you”, Nicole tells me.

“Okay”, I say, forcing a smile on my face.  We hug and Nicole heads back into the kitchen.  I lay back on the couch, trying to figure out if Nicole really was honest with me or not but I could not help but feel like her whole response was dripping in sarcasm.  I decide to shake it off and not worry about it, telling myself to believe what she said and not read too much into it, a bad habit I cannot seem to get rid of.


 I finally go into my room and get ready for the day, smiling at my phone as it vibrates and I read the text message from Ross.  Last night he called me and asked if I would want to meet his Austin and Ally cast today.  They were reading over the script for the next episode and were not planning on rehearsing today so there would be a lot of time for Ross and I to hang out.  I take a quick glance at my outfit in my floor-length mirror and walk out the front door, waving at Riker and Nicole who were cleaning up their mess from breakfast.  I walk over to Ross waiting in his car in the driveway and give him a quick kiss as I settle into the leather seat.  He pulls onto the road and cranks the radio.  We sing along to the music with the windows rolled down and the wind pulling at the tendrils of my hair hanging loose.  Ross pulls into a parking spot outside of a studio and hops out, racing around the car to open my door for me. 

“Why, thank you!” I exclaim as I put my hand in his outstretched one.  Our fingers lace together as he leads me inside.  We make a series of lefts and rights down hallways until we stop in front of a door marked “Ross Lynch”.  Ross opens the door and we step into his dressing room.  The first thing I notice is the mural on the far wall with the R5 logo and giant blue blob I have seen in a video before.  Ross closes the door behind us as I slowly walk around the room looking at all of the pictures he has taped to the walls from past concerts.  Ross sinks down into the black couch and watches me explore the tiny space. 

 “What do you think?” he asks. 

“It’s pretty nice”, I tell him.  “I especially like this picture”, I say, pointing to one where he is holding the microphone in one hand and yanking the top of his shirt down with the other.  He smiles as I walk over to him.  He holds both of his hands out, waiting for me to grasp them, and when I do he pulls me down on top of me.  I quietly squeal at the sudden movement and position myself so that I am straddling his lap, my face only inches away from his. 

“It’s so good to have you in my arms again”, he moans while rubbing his hands up and down my bare arms that instantly become covered in goose bumps at his touch.

“Yeah, it is”, I mumble as I lower my lips to meet his.  He tastes so good, I think to myself.  Things start to become more intense as Ross’s hands creep up my back, underneath my shirt.  His hand touches the clasp on my bra and I continue to explore his mouth with my tongue, anxiously waiting to see what his hands will do next.  Just as Ross’s other hand grabs at the back of my bra, the door bursts open as someone gasps. 

“Oh, my God!  I’m so sorry!” the voice apologizes as I quickly scramble off of Ross’s lap.  

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