Chapter 12

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Later that day, Ross and I returned to Rachel’s to discover that the house was empty.  I walk into the kitchen to find a note from Rachel sitting on the counter. 

“Elizabeth, Mary and I went out shopping with Rydel and Stormie and Nicole is out with Riker.  Should be back around 7:00 with dinner.  ~ Rachel”, I read aloud, folding the note in half and tossing it in the garbage.  I watch as Ross’s eyes quickly dart to the clock on the microwave and back at me.  A smirk breaks out across his face as he realizes that it is only 5:14, giving us almost two hours to ourselves until someone comes home. 

“You thinking what I’m thinking?” he asks, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me to him. 

“Uh huh”, I barely say before his lips are pressed against mine as he kisses me deeply.  His lips eventually leave mine as he trails kisses along my jaw and down my neck. 

“Jump”, he whispers as he gently bites my earlobe.  I do not hesitate as I wrap my legs around his waist.  Ross grips me tightly as I lift his face out of the hollow of my neck and bring his lips towards mine.  As our tongues mingle together, Ross carries me to my room and closes the door shut behind him before softly laying me down on my bed.  He hovers above me, one of his knees placed between my legs and both of his arms positioned by my shoulders, supporting his body as he looks down at me. 

“You’re so beautiful”, Ross breaths before he continues to kiss me.  I passionately kiss him back and become so lost in the moment as I glide my hands up under his shirt to feel his rock-hard abs.  Suddenly, I jump at the sound of the front door slamming shut

“Someone’s here”, I whisper, pulling away from the kiss.  I listen as voices get closer and the door across the hall closes, muffling Riker and Nicole’s conversation. 

Ross only shrugs his shoulders, not seeming to be fazed at all that his brother and my friend were becoming very close over the past couple of days.  He leans back down and continues to kiss me but my mind keeps wandering to Nicole as I try to figure out what could possibly be going on.  Ross abruptly pulls away from me and sits up, straddling my one leg. 

“What are you thinking about?” he asks, having detected that I was not into our little make-out session anymore. 

“It’s nothing”, I tell him, pulling myself up from under his body.  “It’s just that I don’t want anyone to get hurt”, I say looking at my closed bedroom door.  “Nicole has never showed any interest in Riker at all until we first kissed and I just hope she isn’t faking her feelings for him.  I’d hate to see him get hurt and I don’t want my best friend to hate me.”

“She doesn’t hate you.  And Riker will be fine.  Maybe she really does like Riker, she just didn’t realize it until they actually met”, Ross tells me, trying to banish my doubts. 

“Yeah, you’re probably right”, I sigh, standing up.  We then decide to watch some TV in the living room to pass time until everyone else showed up.  I snuggled close to Ross as he wrapped one of his arms around me and my thoughts quickly disappeared as I became engrossed in a rerun of The Vampire Diaries.

“Oh, I love that episode”, Rydel suddenly says from behind me as the last scene ends. 

“Rydel!  I didn’t hear you come in”, I say as I turn around. 

“Yeah, we just got home.  Who wants pizza?” she asks, walking back into the kitchen where I hear other voices. 

“ME”, Ross jumps up, quickly following after her sister.  We all dig into the greasy slices as the girls share about their shopping spree and Ross and I tell them about our day on set. 

“Did you save any for me”, Riker asks as he walks in, his arm draped lazily across Nicole’s shoulder.

“Riker, I didn’t know you were here”, Rydel says.

“Yeah, we got back a little while ago”, Riker says, reaching around me to grab a slice of pizza.

Rydel nods as she pops a stray pepperoni in her mouth.  After we clean everything up, Ross grabs my hand and winks at me before pulling my down the hallway towards my bedroom.

“Nope!  Elizabeth is coming with me”, Rydel says as she grabs onto my other wrist when Ross is inches away from opening my door. 

“Why?” Ross begins to whine. 

“I think it’s about time we’ve had a girls-only sleepover”, she states.  “So, actually, that means you would have to leave, Ross.”

“Now?” he asks, looking to me but I just shrug my shoulders and smile. 

“Sorry, babe”, I say as I walk him to the front door.  “I’ll see you in the morning”, I tell him, quickly kissing him.

“Babe?” Ross questions, one eyebrow slightly raised.  “We have nicknames for each other now?”

“Well I wouldn’t really call it a nickname”, I smile up at him, “but you are the one who introduced me as your girlfriend to pretty much everyone we met today.”

“You noticed?” he asked.

“Of course I did!”

“Is it okay that I call you my girlfriend?”

“It’s more than okay, boyfriend”, I whisper leaning up to kiss him again.  

“You too, Riker!  No boys”, Rydel yells down the hallway.  I watch as Nicole walks Riker to the door and stand near me and Ross. 

“Good night”, Riker says, bending down to kiss Nicole on the lips and then turning and walking outside with Ross following close behind.  I close the door behind them and turn around. 

“Now spill”, Rydel says as she crosses her arms across her chest and tries her hardest not to smile as she stares at Nicole.    

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