Chapter 6- The Library

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Forte and I parted ways after another hour or so. We would both have our fair share of bruises and aches by the morning, but to my satisfaction, I dished it back as well as he served it. Upon our splitting ways leaving the gym, he admitted to me that he thought I wouldn't be very good, and he was pleasantly surprised. He even apologized for underestimating me, which I appreciated. To be fair, I wasn't sure which of us would have more skill when I walked into that room, but it seemed as though we were relatively evenly matched.

Walking back to my room, did, unfortunately, give me time to think about Blaise and my sister. I needed to find a way to communicate, but it looked like this place was designed to isolate its inhabitants. The only people who had contact with the outside world were those who submitted our homework through the front office.

I paused, looking around for a clock on the wall. I was so used to having my phone that I only now understood how much I took it for granted. Once I was able to figure out that I still had 20 minutes before our curfew was in place, I decided to see if I could make it back to the administrative office. Even if they didn't let me use their phones or computers, I could get some school work to keep me occupied. I wasn't going to do it quickly since I didn't want to get married off, but I liked learning.

By some miracle, I found my way there on my first try. I wasn't sure if they only stayed open during business hours, but there was a woman clicking away at a computer near the window. I knocked on the wall next to me to get her attention without being rude, but she only scowled and continued typing.

"Excuse me...."

I hesitantly started, but she snapped in return, "What?"

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to ask if I could use the phone or a computer to message-"

"Office technology is only for use by staff."

This woman didn't seem like she was about to budge in her stance, and she wasn't the type of person I could negotiate with. I could always try to come back later when there was someone more likely to negotiate. I settled for my second request.

"Could I get some of my work? I was told that we had to go to the front office to have it sent or received. And I know there's a curfew, but are there any exceptions or permissions I could get to work late in the library on designated days? Like a hall pass or something?"

I was proud of myself for knowing that word from one of my books, because school culture was not something I was ever exposed to in real life, just private tutors. I swear that woman would have been rolling her eyes at me if it wasn't unprofessional. My requests didn't seem out of the ordinary, but I guess my presence alone was bothering her.


"Rosine Dupont."

I swear that the name made her falter for a second. It wasn't an uncommon last name, to be fair, but most people of 'good' standing didn't know our family's dealings. And unless they were very high up or involved, they didn't know the names of me or my sister since my father kept us relatively hidden.

No matter the reason, her brow furrowed slightly and she suddenly sat a little straighter, "Give me a moment to find your.... File."

Being the new kid probably meant they hadn't gotten all of my paperwork organized yet. She stood and went back into another room, closing the door behind her. It muffled things so that I couldn't understand the words, but I could still identify two different voices. I waited a couple of minutes before she came out, holding some papers out to me.

"Here is some of your work, and this thing on top is a hall pass permission slip to be out late after hours. Just fill out the time you're requesting and the place you'll be during it."

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