
49 1 0

Name:Macy mcfar
Sexuality:Pansexual , asexual
Personality:Shy sarcastic passionate bookworm nerdy and kind/loving
Looks:White hair blur eyes always wearing blue and whit cloths with her brown and white boots but never leaving the house without her daggers
Dislikes: The fire elfs fire and anyone that hurts her family or kingdom
Likes: being a princess , being a knight , talking about books , Talking about bring A knight ,and library's
Fear:her family and her kingdom being taken over by the fire elfs
Secrets:once dated the king of the fire elfs
Powers:has a deep connection with the earth and uses earth magic
Top or bottom:N/A
Turn ons:N/A
Turn offs:sex
Hobbies:reading fencing and practicing magic
Background:The world was once a peaceful world until the four children of the king has a disagreement that soon ended in a war which is still happening with air and fire on one side and earth and water on the other side

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