Naked Exorcist {Yunho}

Start from the beginning

Hongjoong could tell that Yunho's bullying was really getting to Yeosang and he was visibly upset. The leader was coming down from his peak and was sobering up, that's when he noticed how terrible Yunho was actually being.

"Are you crying, Yeosangie? Do you need to be protected, you little baby?"

"Yunho-ah." Hongjoong had enough. It was going over the line, the members teased each other all the time but Yunho was taking it too far. "Enough. Leave Yeosang alone."

Yunho was undoubtedly the most obedient member of the group. He never had to be scolded twice for anything and rarely ever gets punished. He's never been a problem for the leader so Hongjoong expected the tallest member to listen to him but that wasn't the case.

Yunho didn't know if it was just the alcohol talking but his leader was really pissing him off. So he snapped back, very aggressively:

"Who the fuck are you to tell me what to do? Who are you my dad? Go fuck yourself."

Everyone in the room paused. Wooyoung had to pause the movie because he had to make sure that he heard right. Yunho swore at a hyung, not only just a hyung but Hongjoong hyung. None of the 99z or the maknae had the balls cuss Hongjoong out, and the fact that it was Yunho made it even more unbelievable.

Hongjoong, for the first time, was speechless. Yunho has never ever cursed at him before. He was always so happy and well-mannered. Yunho was Hongjoong's favorite child in regards to politeness.

"YAH!" Seonghwa was the only one who wasn't too shocked to speak. The oldest was furious. "How dare you speak to Hongjoong that way?! That is your hyung, Jeong Yunho! APOLOGIZE."

Yunho felt regret as soon as he said it, he didn't mean it. He didn't even know why he was angry. His heart sank at the leader's expression. Hongjoong looked like he was about to cry.

"Hongjoongie hyung." He trembled, "I-I I'm so so sorry."

Hongjoong's look was immediately replaced with anger.

"My room. NOW!"

Yunho jumped off the couch and ran upstairs to the Matz room. The rest of the members found it difficult to breathe, the room was so intense.

"Hyungie." Yeosang was worried about his friend. "He was drunk. Please, he's sorry."

Yeosang knew it was helpless, his friend swore at the leader, he knew that Yunho deserved it but he was just nervous for him.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa didn't speak to the other members and just walked upstairs to deal with Yunho.

Yeosang started to cry, "This is all my fault."

The other members were already sobering up, San walked over and brought his friend into a hug.

"How is this your fault?!" Jongho comforted, "Yunho hyung was the one who swore at our leader, not you! This wouldn't have ever happened if he would've just left you alone!"

"Listen to our maknae, Yeosangie." Wooyoung never thought he would ever say that.

Yeosang nodded.

"I'm sorry we didn't defend you, Yeosangie." Mingi also joined in on hug. "We shouldn't have let it get this far."

Yeosang wiped his eyes, "Don't be. I understand."

"Can you believe what Yunho said?" Wooyoung was still struck, "Yunho?! Out of all our members, did you ever think that it would be Yunho?!"

"I thought it would either you or San." Mingi commented.

"Same." Jongho said.

"Let's watch something else," San said. "I never liked this movie anyway."

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