Fake Smiles {Maknae Line}

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// Hongjoong's POV //

Sunrise ran through our dorm very quickly after I closed my eyes, I haven't slept since our comeback and proabably won't for a long while. It's not like i'm working all night, I just lay in bed for hours just thinking.

Thinking is a very dangerous past time, especially at night. I'm not stressed either, so I should be sleeping just fine. Sometimes, I go through stages where I get angry when I overthink because everything just makes my mind heat up; I called Seonghwa when I heard him get out of the shower to inform him that I will be taking the morning off, and that I would kindly appeartice it if he would watch the members for me.

Seonghwa and I are both the oldest of the group, and we're also the disicplinearians. When we first debuted, it took everyone a while to get comfortable around each other so everyone was very well-behaved. After a month, however, we became our true selves and started acting out a little bit.

Mingi was the first, followed by San, then Yeosang. It wasn't long until I became the prime suspect; See, I tend to overwork too much and too severely. Seonghwa finally had enough, It wasn't my first time but I'm never good with pain.

When Seonghwa finally agreed to watch the members in my place, I smiled and fell back to sleep.

// Seonghwa's POV //

I didn't mind hanging out with my dongsaengs, I'm actually more tolerant of their behavior than Hongjoong is. I can see how he could easily be overwhemed by them sometimes, but they are all pretty much always good. Not lately though, lately they've been very rebellious.

San is my obedient dongsaeng, so is Wooyoung. They're more mellow than the others, more reserved. Yeosang is cute, which causes him to get away with a lot of stuff with me.

Hongjoong is a better hyung than I am, stricter, more serious. Just because I'm the oldest doesn't mean I'm the best role model; If it was up to me, i wouldn't punish the younger members at all.

When my presence is made in the living room, I don't see a single sight. Jongho is still sound asleep, I couldn't find any of the others which means they're with Yeosang.

"Yeosang-ah!" I call out in the air, i didn't hear a reply,

Goddamnit, Kid.
What the hell is he doing?

I walk suspiciously into the kitchen, seeing my five dongsaengs making something on the stove. Yunho and San were standing, talking in the corner while Mingi stirred the food in the pot, laughing loudly at what Wooyoung said.

I nearly smacked Mingi in the head as I saw the food on the stove shout with steam, increasing with such grace that it evaporated off the ceiling.

"Yah, guys what are you... EXCUSE ME!" I raised my voice so I could talk over the noise.

The dongsaengs stopped what they were doing and turn their heads. Wooyoung immediately stopped what he was doing and backed away, probably afraid that I would scold only him.

I heard footsteps behind me, I flinched fearing that it would be Hongjoong.

Yeosang welcomes me with his heart eyes, his smile beamed brighter with his white shirt and pj bottoms.

"Good morning, hyung."

I frowned toward him, annoyed that he can manipulate me like this:

"Kang Yeosang, you have to ask my permission before you use the stove."

Usually I wouldn't be so annoyed, but we just moved into a flat together. In our old dorm, we didn't have a stove or a fridge, we had to order takeout every night. Hongjoong is the only person who can cook anyway, and he stressed the importance of absolute no contact with the stove.

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