A regular day...

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 (3rd pov)


"5 more minutes" grumbled a tried Izuku while trying to silence his alarm clock  

"Izukuuuuu come down and make me breakfast right now" screamed a very angry acholic   

 Izuku quietly got dressed in his school uniform and slightly made his way downstairs to make his "father's"  favorite breakfast  rum pancakes and eggs hoping that if he made his "father's" favorite breakfast he can come out of this hell hole he calls home unschated. it kinda worked.

"Izukuuu" his "farther" said while stumbling to the table " its your first day to Ua... so I cant have you bleeding otherwise they will notice so...."  Izuku shivred but stayed quiet  knowing that if he spoke he will just get a husher punishment  " I guess that the less noticeable places for now will have to do for now .... but once you get home you will be in so much pain you will wish you were never born!" hizashi said while  grabbing  Izuku's hair and dragged him to the living room

(abuse coming up)

Hizashi dragged an obviously scared Izuku and took of his shirt and whipped the poor boy before activating his quirk and burning the poor boys back to make sure his  back didn't bleed to much,  I mean he's going to an academy full of heroes they would smell that shit  a mile away.  after watching his "son" writhe in pain for a couple of minutes he shocked the poor boy with the shockcallor around his neck and and leaving the poor boy to writhe in pain to go to work. 

(izuku pov)

it hurts... I can't see anything other than pain... but this is almost nothing compared to what he has done before , so I guess I should be thankful?  I've forgotten if this is normal... I don't think it is but i'm not sure...  I've got to hurry up...  I don't want to be here any longer than have to... so I guess  I should get going , I don't want to be late on my first day, right?

(3rd pov)

After Izuku shakily gotten to his feet he started to apply burn cream to his burn and wrap it tightly in gauze with his limited supplies.  soon he was on his way to the famous school Ua. 

 ok this is your friendly author chan here,  this is officially the first chapter I will try to upload the next chapter tomorrow although I might do another chapter  today who knows? anyway I am sorry for this short chapter I will try to make the next one longer.  anyway goodbye and remember to cherish coffee.

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