14. Vanilla Meringue Cookies

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The evening air was warm with possibly the last kiss of summer before the cold season well and truly set in. The shopping plaza was decorated for Halloween with jack-o-lanterns on every corner and leafy garland in every window. The lamp posts even had a friendly, smiling bat banner hanging from the outstretched posts. And the plaza wasn't the only place showing it's festive colors, the whole town seemed to be alight with the anticipation of candy and mischief.

Even the bakery was decorated head to toe in orange and black. Pumpkin stickers lined the top of the windows, leaves scattered artfully in the pastry case, and little paper ghosts sat as centerpieces on every table. Even the cash register supported a tiny witch's hat that leaned to one side, not quite in the way of the keys or display screen. 

And it was all thanks to Bea.

"Good grief, Bea," Mason said as he walked in one evening. "I swear, you belong in one of those house and decorating magazines. Where did you get all this stuff?"

Bea was a the ovens, poking something inside before closing the doors again and turning to Mason.

"Hello, Mason. I got most of it at the craft store, but I made the ghosts." She gestured to the tables. "I thought it made the store look more festive."

Mason rubbed the back of his neck, looking over everything in more detail. "You should make Theo pay for this stuff, it's his shop it's his responsibility."

"Who says I don't?" Theo walked out of his office, closing the door behind him and straightening the cuff of his sleeve. "After her fall festival decorations I told her to start bringing me her receipts."

"I'll bet you did, you dog." Mason elbowed Theo, only speaking loud enough for the other vampire in the room to hear.

Theo's frown deepened. "I don't even want to know what you mean by that."

Mason shrugged, taking a seat across from his great niece as she flipped another page of her newspaper.

"How's it going with you, kiddo?" he asked.

"Same old same old," Edith answered. "Still not through my first pack of bandages, that's for sure."

Mason nodded, looking up to meet Theo's gaze. Studying his oldest friend, Mason found Theo's usual grumpy disposition to be even more firm than usual. His posture was stiff, his arms crossed, and his foot tapping as he stood near the counter, taking occasional orders.

"So... no donations lately I take it?" Mason asked Edith with a suspiciously casual tone. 

"Nope," Edith said. "Hopefully soon. Those college kids are nearing their six weeks."

Mason nodded, but instead of watching Edith as he spoke, he kept his eyes on Theo.

"Done!" Bea announced. "And the next batch out will be free if you guys want to try them."

She held up a plate of fluffy white mounds, walking toward the case with them as she pulled out an empty tray to fill.

"Yeah, I'll take one, honey," Edith said.

"No, thank you," Mason said. "Hey, Bea, can I borrow this guy for a second?"

Mason stood, walking over and taking Theo by the elbow.

"What's this? Where are you dragging me?" Theo snapped.

"I got the front," Bea said. 

"Thanks, Bea." Mason pulled Theo into his office and closed the door behind them. Turning around, he faced a fuming Theo who looked like he was about to stomp a foot on the floor like a petulant child. 

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