4. Croquembouche

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The Danton Bakery was a bustle of activity. The furniture company was in the midst of delivering new furniture to the blood donation room. The appliance mechanic was installing the state-of-the-art freezer system in there as well. A local artist had been hired to paint a mural on the front of the sales counter, and the cleaning company was washing away any signs of smoke from Theo's shortbread cookie incident. And with all of this going on around him, Theo Danton was staring flatly at the most pretentious pastry chef he had ever met.

"And for the last ten years I've worked as the head patissier of a three Michelin star restaurant. Jodi Roca has personally visited my table.  You are, of course, familiar with the Michelin stars? I would hope so, Mr. Danton, since you are trying to break into the culinary world." The baker had a thin mustache and a crisp white coat. He was constantly raising his chin so he looked down his nose at Theo, who wasn't taking it well.

"I've heard of them," Theo drawled. "Mr. Evers-"

"Chef Evers," he corrected.

Theo clenched his jaw as he sighed through his nose. "Of course, Chef Evers. Chef, what is your favorite pastry?"

Chef Evers harrumphed at Theo, and glanced around the bakery. "Naturally, that would be my award winning gold leafed deconstructed croquembouche."

Theo stared a moment, waiting to see if he was trying to tell a bad joke.

It would seem he wasn't.

"I see. And what, Chef Evers, do you feel is the purpose of pastries?" Theo asked.

Chef Evers chuckled to himself as he leaned forward on the table to look Theo in the eyes. "Pastry is an art, Mr. Danton. And I am the da Vinci of pastry."

Theo drummed his fingers on the table as he stared at Chef Evers. "Chef, I think we are done here. Thank you very much for taking time out of your schedule to see me this evening."

"Of course, Mr. Danton. I'm sure I'll be hearing from you soon. If you want your bakery to be a success, that is." Chef Evers stood from the table, nearly knocking into one of the men delivering furniture and not sparing them a passing glance.

"Right. Well, Chef, I'm sure you're quite busy so I'll let you see yourself to the door. I'm afraid I have other matters to attend to right now." Theo stood with a polite smile, and promptly turned on his heel to go see how things were progressing in the blood room. He didn't even wait to see Chef Evers out the door.

"Gold leafed deconstructed croquembouche," Theo muttered to himself. "I'll hire you and your gold leafed deconstructed croquembouche when my customers want gold excrement."

Theo pushed through the door to see the furniture delivery men unwrapping two sleek reclining chairs. The latest in the line of top rated phlebotomy equipment. Hopefully they would meet Edith's standards, because he was getting rather tired of choosing furniture in general.

"You Theo Danton?" The refrigeration mechanic stood, holding a clipboard and wiping his nose on his sleeve.

"Er, yes," Theo answered slowly.

"Sign here, your equipment is all installed."

"Oh, sure." Theo took the pen from the clipboard and signed at the bottom. The mechanic took it back, and left the room.

"All done, that was the last item on the truck." One of the furniture delivery men patted Theo on the shoulder as the crew left. Theo looked around the room at the Styrofoam and plastic wrapping that had been discarded on the floor. Another mess to be cleaned up before the grand opening.

Giving Blood at the Danton BakeryWhere stories live. Discover now