13. Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Cookies

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"Cookies are done!" Beatrice said, pulling the latest batch off the cooling racks and onto a plate for the display case.

"Quick, I need one of those taboo words that make some people cringe." One of the writers, the one with the smooth voice and the dashing glasses, had paused his typing. A scone sat half-finished and a coffee freshly topped off beside him.

"Do you want one, Theo?" Bea asked. "You might want a fork though, they're really moist."

"Ugh." The writer with teal nails shuddered, either from the 'M' word or from the overindulgence of coffee and clear underattention to sleep.

"Thanks, got it!" The writers all resumed typing away, filling the room with the clacking of their keys. The only other sound in the bakery was the occasional turning of Edith's newspaper.

"Slow night," Mason commented from his seat next to Theo in one of the corner tables.

"The rain earlier didn't help," Theo murmured, glancing out at the dark and cloudy night. "Most people have been chased inside to their warm beds."

"Here you go," Bea said, setting a plate with a cookie and fork in front of the two vampires and then walked over to give Edith hers.

"Thanks, Bea," Mason said. "And don't take this the wrong way but, who eats a cookie with a fork?"

She shrugged. "I dunno. Now that you mention it, that is a little odd. My grandpa always gave me a fork when we ate these though. Pumpkin can make things sticky sometimes. And soft, actually. You'll find these a little more bread-like but I can attest to their taste."

"Well, that I have no difficulties believing," Mason said. "Everything you make is great, Bea."

She laughed and gave Mason a wink. "It's all in the secret ingredient."

"If you tell me the secret ingredient is love, I'm going for a smoke break," Edith deadpanned, flipping another page of her paper.

Bea sighed, but didn't lose her smile. "You're no fun, Edith."

Theo looked down at his cookie. It smelled good, for food that wasn't blood. Too bad it would make him sick. 

"I'm just going to, um, take mine in my office." Theo stood up, grabbing his plate as he went. "Paperwork to do and all that."

"Alright then," Bea said. "Um, don't forget I have to dash out early today."

"Yes, of course," Theo said. "I'll be back before you need to go."

Mason picked up his plate and followed as Theo wandered into the bakery office. Mason closed the door behind them, and both vampires sat their treats on the desk, untouched. 

"What's Bea leavin' early for?" Mason asked, leaning far back in his chair and propping his shoes on the desk.

Theo scowled. "Get your feet off my desk you brute. And what Bea is doing on her own time is none of my business."

Mason sighed, but removed his shoes. "But aren't you at least a little curious about your crush?"

"My what? She is not-"

"Oh get off it. You don't know anything about her," Mason continued. "I wonder if she has a boyfriend."

Theo startled. "That- that's none of our business, Mason."

"Or maybe a girlfriend? It's modern times now after all," Mason continued, ignoring his friend.

"Will you lay off it?" Theo snapped at him. "What Bea does on her own time is her business and no one else's. Besides, it's not as if we aren't hiding things from her too."

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