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Bryan P.O.V
This sucks! I really don't want to remember the pain....
I was packing up my old violin, it was pretty dusty. I think I need to make a quick trip to the music store, the string seems weak too.
I grabbed the violin and head to the bus stop. I soon as I got there, the bus was already here. Talk about perfect timing.

I walked in the music store and I saw rhino at the front desk.
"Hey Rhino!" I said. He waved.
"Bryan, I didn't know you play violin." He said.
"And I didn't know you worked here"
I placed my violin case on the counter and open the case.
"I was probably wondering if you can probably change the strings?" I asked. He nodded as changes the string. Right after this I'm going to meet up with Jakey.... I'm not going to lie, I'm kinda nervous....
Who am I kidding... I'm terrified...
I'm really scared to do this....
Rhino was finished and gave me back my violin. When I held the violin, my hands were trembling...
Without noticing, I was crying....
"Hey, Is everything alright!?" Said Rhino. He was obviously worried.
I took a deep breath as I slowly calm down.
"Yeah... I'm fine..."
He didn't believe me and gave me a hug. "The violin seems to be causing you some pain. Why did you decide to play violin now?" He asked.
I told him I had a performance with Jakey and the look on his face was disturbing....
"Don't go..."
I was confused.
"What Why? I have to do this to get over this pain...."
He grips on my arm harshly.
"Ow ow ow! Stop! You're hurting me! Rhino!" I yelled in pain but that just made his grip even tighter.
"He wants you for himself! He wants to take you away from ME!"
He yelled.
Rhino, he scaring me!
Due to me being in fear, I slapped him, making him lose his grip. I took this opportunity and ran to the bus stop.
What is going on between these two!?

my little musician Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant