An old friend

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Bryan P.O.V
I looked to my left and saw Rhino.
What's he doing here?
I don't think I invited him here, not that I mind or anything. I actually didn't know he was coming.
"Hello Brian I came to visit because I wanted to see my old dear friend!" He said. I was confused, I mean I don't mind him coming over. I guess you can say this was very very unexpected. "Hey! Right now I didn't expect you to come here today...or at all anyways. Oh! I want you to meet Jakey!"
I look to my right it's so Jake he was with a hatred looking face. was he mad at me or is he having a bad day???

Jakey P.O.V
Who the hell is this guy and what is his relationship with Bryan!? I don't want him near him! I walked up to them and just by his presence I hated him! I put up an act of kindness.
"Hello my name is Jakey and I used to be Bryan's-" Bryan cut me off.
"He is my childhood friend Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha....." He laughed nervously.
Why did he cut me off!? I was going to see musician partner! Did he not want me to say that? "Hello Jakey! My name is right rhino" he smiled and I smiled back.
I offer a handshake and he accepted it but the thing is he squeezed my hand so hard!
And he gave me A smug face- I really want to slap him right now.
"Well anyways Brian it's been so long since I seen you!" Rhino ran up to Brian and gave him a hug. OK! I don't get mad when someone hugs Brian but what will get me mad is that rhino started petting him and gave him a peck on the forehead! I was trying my hardest to contain myself instead of lashing out in anger. I decided to grab Brian's arm and held his hand. I could tell that I was getting under Rhino skin. "What the hell are you two doing? Jakey me go. I'mma head home you two try to get along! It seems you guys hate each other so goodbye!" Bryan said
"Wait but Bryan I came to see you!"
"goodbye!" Bryan ran and I was stuck with this arrogant f*ck......
"All right here Jakey boy! I want you to back off. It's clear that you like Brian as well. Guess what he's mine and I'm not gonna let you have him."
I was pissed.
"All right here you little arrogant f*ck. I don't know if you noticed but I've been best friends with Brian for almost all these years. I'm not going to give up on him but for Bryan sake let's try to get... ugh... Along.... agree?" I asked.
"Agree....." He sighed.

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