Ballfight against cardin

Start from the beginning

Y/n: is that so? Well then, what do you say I prove you wrong?

Cardin: hmph! Come at me!

Cardin charged at me and swung his mace around. I enlarged my clackers and used them as a shield. He stopped swinging his mace. And he examined my enlarged clackers.

Cardin: so you can make objects bigger. Well I ca-

Before he finished, velvet shot Cardin in his leg with one of the gauntlets.

Cardin: argh!

Y/n: nice job, velvet!

I turned my clackers to its original size and I swung them around.

Y/n: clacker volley!

I swung my clackers in different directions and repeatedly hit Cardin in the face. But, Cardin's more durable. He stands up and I stop hitting him.

Cardin: I know what your semblance is. It's time to use mine.

I was waiting for him to show his semblance.
(I know that it was never shown if Cardin has a semblance so I gave him one myself)

His muscles grew extremely big. So his semblance is super strength. This... will be tough.

I surprised him by aiming a punch at his face. He blocked quickly. I dashed to the right side and aimed for his face again. I did this multiple times until he swept my legs.

He was about to punch me on the ground with his enlarged muscles but I kicked him in the face, making him stumble back a bit. I back rolled away from him.

Velvet: I- I can still help!

Velvet uses both gauntlets to shoot Cardin. Cardin runs in her direction. I chase after him. I ran as fast as I could, but I didn't make it. Cardin picked up velvet and slammed her into a nearby wall. This made velvet unconscious.

Cardin: finally. She was getting annoying.

I didn't say anything but I could feel my lips quivering.

Cardin: you're next!

He rushed over to me. And I quickly used my clacker to become really large. If I did that a second later, I would've been severely damaged.

I have an idea. I'm going to get to velvet and hide with her somewhere so I can figure out my next plan. How to do that...

I pick up my enlarged clacker that weighed the same and ran towards velvet. Cardin kept trying to punch me but every time he did, I hit his arm with a clacker. He assumed it would hurt more so he got cautious and stayed away. But the unexpected happened. He managed to strike me on my right shoulder.

It hurt so much it's difficult to describe. It's a pain I've never felt before. I stumbled onto the ground, holding my shoulder.

Cardin: I could only hit your shoulder because you were a moving target. It doesn't matter the injury is severe, anyway.

I picked up a clacker. I threw the enlarged clacker in the air. Cardin takes the bait and looks up. I make it weigh a crap ton. It quickly descends and lands on Cardin's face. He looks like he's done for.

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