part 5

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So guys the above pic is the one am planning on using as my cover photo.So tell me what you think....and I love you babes😘

Back to the story.

Yes Nike I got a job and it's safe....I said to him gently.
Safe!!!??and how do you know that Marie??...Nike asked angrily.
I....d...o know its safe I answered him nervously,
Nike you have to trust me on this,and I do need this job so muc---...Marie...!!.(Nike didn't let me finish my statement when he interrupted me angrily).
So tell me who offered you the job..?he asked with a clenched jaw.

Nike STOP!!!!!!I yelled at him.If you would let me explain it you , you won't be here yelling and asking me so damn many questions!!!I said in one breath.
He looked at me with raised eyebrows,but didn't interrupt me.
So I ended up telling him every detail on how i was selected as an intern in the Clarke's company.
He just deeply sighed because he knew that when my mind is set on something ,no one could talk me out of it.
I know I have no say in this but I want you to be careful...Nike said with a sigh.
You know that you can't trust anyone,l care for you every much ,and I don't want your past demons to come haunting you back.....Nike said in a soft voice and a concerned face.
But I had to stop him from going further because no one likes to be reminded of the past,and my past was something I didn't wanna remember.

Thank you Nike.I said with a small smile.
It's was quiet for a bit each lost when Nike yelled.
Wait!!!, jumping on his feet,his sudden reaction almost shocking me to death,and I had to check myself to the hospital for a sudden heart attack ,don't ever scare me like that again...I half yelled at him while scowling at him.
And what do you think the idiot did,Huh!!!
He just laughed his ass off.!!!
Waoh hhahaha , he said wiping his laughing tears off his eyes,when he saw that I wasn't  laughing,he zip his mouth dramatically and pretend to throwing the keys away.(Nike is the most wierd person I know ,he loves pushing my buttons and he seems to like pissing me off)

Kay Kay sorry is just that ,do you have a decent outfit for work on Monday???Nike asked with a knowing look at his face.


That got me speechless.

Don't worry my chocolate babe ,I gots yuh!!!Nike said to me with a wink.(that's THE!!! nickname  he give me,huh funny right!!!!?Nope!! When you get Nike shouting  the name at the streets, well that not so funny,!!!)

Well at least something to wear is out of my worry list,and I had to thank Nike for that.Not every time you get someone caring for you.And if you have that person don't ever take them for granted.
So I have to thank him for that for always having my back,not just in the fights but also in my life.

Thank you Nike,I don't know what I would do without you....I said to him giving him a hug.

Time skips

You may ask what am doing now,It's on Monday  morning am in the  bathroom looking myself in the mirror giving myself a prep talk,cause by now I was freaking out!And why so you may ask,
Well  I didn't get enough sleep last night because I was so tensed.The feeling I have  now is the same feeling one get while sitting  in an exam room while waiting for the  final exams papers...

But now wasn't the time to freak out, after remembering Nike words (you can do this ,you are the strongest young woman I know,so go kick their ass in business)those words did a miracle because now am in my bedroom changing to my navy blue lady's suit (why ask ,well I have never worn a dress in my life and I don't plan on doing so ) After am done I checked the time on my phone ,and I still had an hour.
I did my final touches on my hair my out fit which goes well with some black flats and no makeup.
After am done I went to my tiny kitchen, had my breakfast (which consists of an apple and some pancakes and black tea).
I checked my time again and  I had few minutes left,so I hurried to my car hashtag Nike's car because he wouldn't let me take a bus  and I  took off to my destination.

First I noticed at my surrounding was the beautiful tall buildings, busy streets and busy people .Huh that right ,busssssyyyyypppppeople!!!

I followed my deans direction to Clarke's business house,and let me tell you,after I found the building I had to say I was standing in paradise,it was so huge and beautiful 💕,but there is a problem ,am still in the car and in the company's packing because by now my tension had multipled from 100%to100000000.......%

After I had enough strength and courage to get my brown ass in the car ,i went in and I stood at awe at what was inside,the inside  was painted with a mixture of white,grey and black,I had said paradise but now I would say super PARADISE!!!!!Wow it's so beautiful,I said to myself or i thought so ...
Yeah I know it's so beautiful....I heard a unfamiliar voice say .
Shit why won't I keep my big mouth shut ,...I mentally scolded myself.
I was interupted from my inner battle when I heard some giggles.
My eyes followed the source of the giggles and I was meant with two big blue eyes,Behind the reception desk sat a blonde  haired beautiful lady who seems to be on her late 20s.(and I forget to say her eyes were filled with amusiment)*I guess I made someone Happy this morning*so cool*I was so distracted by the beauty of this place, that I didn't realize  I had subconsciously reached the reception area.

God why do you hate me that much 🙊🙈I will suffocate one day due to embarrassment.

The blonde lady cleared her voice and tired to put on a serious face and I mean tired cause I can see she was making a terrible job,but I guess she is a happy person cause she finally gave me a smile and asked for my name.

Hello , welcome to Clarke's enterprise ,am Kelly ,and how may I help you???
So the blonde's name is Kelly...*beautiful name for a beautiful soul*(sorry for judging her so early but I had a feeling that she was a nice person)

I composed myself and put on my best business smile and said
Hello,?Am Marie Peterson and am here for the intern position.
The Blondie(mmmh I mean Kelly) looked at me in surprise.
She masked her surprised reaction so fast and smiled at me .
     Welcome Ms.Peterson ,good for you,just in time,your  internship interview is been held at floor 36 and have a nice day ,I wish to see much of y...... .she didn't get to finish her statement while she was interrupted by a booming angry voice.

Kelly!!!!did I pay you to just talk to people ????or did I pay you to do your Job!!!!!??
Right now she was shaking from where she was sitted with a pretified look  looking at something or should I say someone behind me.
I was shocked  cause not everyday you get a person yelling at other people.

I felt bad for her cause any sane person would see that she was doing her job and am not JUST PEOPLE!!!well I felt insulted.
SO what do you think I did*spoiler alert*
Well I turned round to face the pers....
woah Greek god standing a few distance away from us ...he is so handsome I could feel his dominance aura from a far but that didn't stop me from saying the few words that dug my own grave

Fuck you asshole ,she is doing her job and stoping yelling in the morning!!!I said each word with gritted teeth.

First I heard a gasp from behind me so that meant it was Kelly , secondly the specimen standing before me was not shaking (with rage if I would say)
So I turned around to look at Kelly and the look she was giving me was a look as if I killed her *cat*

What???! I just defended you from that asshole stop giving me that look,...I said to her with a frown.
She just look at me with an open mouth,fear in her eyes and pity???! .........whom would she pity?? (little did I know that  look was for me,because what she said next made me wish the ground would open and swallow me whole)

Ms.Peterson that the/our BOSS!

Words 1533
Hi guys sorry for the late update,so I want to say that am not getting enough votes and comments on this book .You know I need motivation from you too guys ..but thanks to all of you who have read /are still reading this book❤️🖤...
What do you think will happen to our girl Marie???
What your biggest fear??
Why do you think Kelly reacted that way???
Lastly,do you love yourself???

Don't forget to vote and comment 😉🖤❤️✌️
Words 1622

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