Chapter 14 - Graduation Ceremony

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I'm startled as my phone vibrates on the table. I reach over quietly to try to answer it while Georgia is asleep in my arms without looking at the caller ID, "Hello?" I answer.

"Hi, sweetheart, it's Mom."

"Oh, hey, Mom, what's up?" I ask.

"Well, Drew is graduating on the 18th, and we want to know if you can make it down?"

At that time, Dylan comes out of the bathroom freshly showered, entering the living room. I gaze at his perfect physique while he struts over to sit on the chair, wearing nothing but boxers and sweatpants. I'm so distracted that I forgot that I'm trying to have a conversation with my mother over the phone as I'm undressing him with my eyes. I reach up to wipe the bit of drool collecting in the corners of my mouth; Dylan notices and flashes a cheeky grin, "Dear? Are you still there?" Mom asks.

I snap myself out of my dirty fantasy, "Oh! Yes, sorry...graduation," I respond as my cheeks flush.

God, help me! This man makes me so weak, and he knows the effect he has on me! "Hang on a second, Mom, let me ask Dylan," I tell her before pulling the phone from my ear.

"Baby, my brother is graduating on the 18th. Mom wants to know if we can come."

He shrugs his shoulders, "Sure, honey. Whatever you want. That's a Saturday; I am not working, so we should be good."

"Okay, Mom, we will be there," I tell her as I put the phone back to my ear.

"You know it makes me sad to think that this would have been your graduation too...." She starts before I interrupt, "Mom, I don't want to hear it." I warn her.

"Sorry, darling. I won't mention it again," She says quietly.

I know she's right, but I mean, really? Does she want to go there now with a five-month-old baby in my arms? That's my mother, though! "Well, okay, when does it start?"

"The ceremony starts at 3:00 pm. It would be nice if you guys came up and stayed the night prior. You can stay in your old room," She suggests.

"Well, we will see. That would be a late night for us."

"Just call me and let me know once you get your plans set, darling."

"Okay, I will."

"I love you," She tells me.

"Love you too, Mom," I respond.

Georgia begins to fuss as I disconnect the call, moving her hands over her mouth to suck. I pull up my tank top, allowing her to latch onto my nipple. Dylan leans over and watches as I feed Georgia, "So, what did your Mom have to say?" he asks.

"Oh, she asked if we wanted to come up and stay in my old room. I told her I wasn't sure about that. I think that would be difficult."

He rolls his eyes, "God, I'm more concerned with staying a whole night with that woman. That would be brutal."

"You aren't kidding. How about we drive halfway on Friday night after you get off work and stay in a hotel room. Then we can wake up in the morning and be at my Mom's Saturday early afternoon. We can always either drive home after the ceremony or get a hotel on the river. It's stunning, Dylan. I love downtown Cincinnati. Especially at night! I would love to experience that with you," I suggest.

"Yeah, we can do that. Plus, it would be easier on my Gigi to make shorter trips."

"Sure. It's easier for all of us."

"Alright, babe, you wanna make the reservations?" He asks.

"Yeah, we can stay in Mooresville, Tennessee, on Friday night. My Aunt and Uncle live there, but I haven't spoken to them in a long while. We aren't super close. Then I'll make a reservation at the hotel on the river. It's incredible."

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