Chapter 4 - No Panties

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Of course, chivalry is not dead with Dylan Hudson. As we leave the restaurant, he opens the door, having me to exit first. While approaching the truck, he opens the passenger door, allowing me to climb in. This was new territory for me, so I was unsure how to behave towards him. Let's face it, Aaron was far from chivalrous, and he's all I knew up until now.

There's an awkward silence on the ride back to my Aunt's house. As he pulls in the driveway, I turn to thank him, attempting to break the silence, but he beats me to the punch, "What time do you get off work tomorrow?" he asks.

I can't help but smile, "I get off at 5:00 pm."

"Do you want to hang out tomorrow, "friend?" He asks coyly as he parenthesizes the word with his fingers.

I bite my lip to keep from laughing, "I'd love to "friend." Good night," I respond, also parenthesizing the word with my fingers.

Grinning ear to ear, he climbs out of the truck, walks over to the passenger side, and opens the door, reaching out his hand for me to take. Without hesitation, I place my hand in his. I climb out of the front seat and lean against the truck, waiting in anticipation of his next move. He presses his body against mine, his eyes boring a hole through me as he grazes my chin with his finger. I open my lips slightly as he leans in closer. The sexual chemistry between us is off the chain; there's no denying it. Without thinking, I reach up and pull his face to mine. He wraps his arms around my waist and begins to kiss me, sticking his tongue in my mouth. I'm startled from the initial shock of his move, but soon relax and stick my tongue out to meet his, instantly becoming putty in his hands. After a few seconds, he pulls away from me, pressing his forehead against mine, "I'm going to let you go now," He utters with a soft growl.

I nod in agreement, exhaling audibly as I squeeze his biceps. Wow, the boy has restraint; I would let him take me right here and now without thinking twice, "Goodnight," I whisper as I move past him towards my Aunt's house.

"Goodnight," He responds as he strolls around to the driver's side.

I quickly run up the steps to the front porch, stopping as I reach the front door. I turn back to gawk at him once more before waving goodbye. He waves back before putting the truck in reverse, backing out onto the road. I open the door and watch as he speeds off down the street. Once he's out of sight, I turn and gently shut the door behind me. My head is spinning as I immediately lean against the door and slide down to the floor. Wow! This guy is incredible!

I'm distracted from my thoughts when I notice the television's muffled sound coming from the living room. As I peek around the wall, Brie is lying on the couch covered up with an afghan, "Girl, what is up with you!?" she asks curiously as she notices I'm on the ground.

I put my head in my hands, "Nothing, I'm just a mess."

She jumps up from the sofa and reaches out her hand to help me off the floor, "Who were you out with?"

I refrain from looking up at her, "Dylan Hudson," I respond as she assists me off the ground.

"No, Colie, don't even open up that pandora's box. Stay far away from him. He will break your heart!" she warns.

I glance up at her, eyes wide, mouth gaping, "Umm, he just took me to Stags as friends. What's the harm?"

She raises her eyebrow at me.

"What?" I ask defensively.

She reaches out to grab my shoulders, "Listen, Dylan Hudson has broken every girl's heart in Laurel. Women fall at his feet. Don't be one of them. He's not the marriage and family kind of guy; he's a player, and he knows he's gorgeous. I've watched him for years because you know my best friend is his little sister, Maggie? I love Dylan; he's a great guy, but not someone you would want to date!"

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