Chapter 6 - People Talk

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Dylan's POV

Work is busy today, but I'm unable to focus. All I keep thinking about is her; I got it bad, son. I've never met a woman who had me by the balls like this. I think I'm in love with her. This is unchartered territory for me. I know that whatever it is, it goes beyond just trying to get into her pants. I'm startled from my thoughts when I hear a voice behind me, "Dude, what the fuck is your deal today? Hello!?"

Startled, I spin around, "Sorry, bud."

My buddy Seth is standing behind me, arms crossed, "What the fuck is this girl doing to you, man?" he asks.

"I wish I fucking knew, bro. I'm at a loss. She's got me by the fucking balls, man, in a good way. I can't help but let her, and it scares the fuck out of me," I confess.

"Shit, man! I never dreamed you would fall for a city slicker. Those city girls are a lot of fucking work."

"This one... she's worth it!"

He scratches his chin while smirking at me, "Yep, Dylan, you are so fucked. What are you going to do when she leaves in August?"

My stomach is in knots just thinking about it, "Good question, man. I don't have a fucking clue! Hell, I'd probably follow her. I don't even want to think about it until then. My mom invited her over for dinner yesterday and never even mentioned it. Mariah is the one who told me. No doubt, Mom is trying to get the scoop on her. She's already in good with my Mom and Grandma, man; they love her. You know that's hard to do."

Seth just stands there, arms crossed; he knows me too well. He knows I never get like this over some chick. He's like a brother to me. We have been friends since the first grade. That's a long-ass time to remain friends with someone, "I'm going to have to meet the girl who has managed to tame the beast while gettin in good with Ma and Granny," He jokes.

"Yep, she's coming Saturday with me to the music festival. You'll get to meet her."

He stops, dropping his arms, "Wait a minute... did you fuck her already?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You might as well get down on one knee right now. The Dylan that I know doesn't act like a love-sick puppy dog after getting in the girl's pants."

"You are probably right, dude. I'd marry that girl tomorrow, swear to God. She's everything I'd ever wanted; wifey material even, but I'm not sure if she's there yet, ya know? I'd hate to keep her here and interfere with her getting her degree. I know it's important for her to finish; she's so close."

"Well damn buddy, that's huge! You got yourself into a good old fashion dilemma."

"I know, man, I have a lot to think about."

He shakes his head from side to side, "Let's finish digging these trenches so we can get these lines installed this year, okay?"

"You got it, man."

After getting back to work, we didn't discuss it any further after that. We worked late into the evening and left just before 7:00 pm.

Mariah's POV

"Alright, Miss Norma, you are all finished!" I tell her as I finish painting the final topcoat on her nails.

"Thank you, my dear! It looks lovely!"

I begin to gather my polishes, placing them into my makeup bag so I can head out. It's 3:00 pm on Friday; TGIF! "Hot date tonight, dear?" she asks innocently.

"You are too much, Miss Norma!" I say jokingly.

"Well, dear, you know I'm not one to gossip, but I hear that you and my boy have been spotted together a lot around town. People talk, not me, you know... it's a small town."

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