Chapter 2 - Go Wash the Sleep Off!

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Saturday arrives way too soon. I decided that I needed to bite the bullet and face the world today. I am working 4:00 pm to close tonight. Maybe I should just call in sick tonight? Nahhh... I needed the distraction from the turmoil that consumes my life currently. Hearing my Mother's voice outside of my room, I sit up in bed to listen in on a phone conversation she is having with someone.

"I know Lori; I'm worried about her too... Yeah, it's been two days...No she's not eating; she just stays in her room most of the time... I don't know, I'll mention it to her... might do her some good. I'll let you know... okay... bye."

After hanging up, she calls out to me, "Mariah, honey. Are you awake? Come downstairs and eat something, please! We aren't lying in bed feeling sorry for ourselves today!"

I roll my eyes and snicker. I realize my Mom and Aunt were talking about me and knowing how my Mom is, I know she won't allow me to be a basket case today; she means business. She backed off and allowed me to grieve my way for two days, but she will be persistent today.

I answer her back, "Okay, I'm coming!"

Standing at the bedside, I slide my slippers on and stumble downstairs to the kitchen. I'm going to force myself to eat something today before I go to work. As I enter the hallway, I notice three sets of eyes boring a hole through me; my parents and brother sit at the table as I enter. My Dad begins to sing the same tune he's sang since I was a little girl after I woke up in the morning, "There she issssss... Miss America!"

I glance at him, forcing a smile, "Good morning." I mumble.

"God, sis, you look like shit! You smell like it too! Have you showered lately?" Drew says with a snarky undertone.

I sneer at him as Mom smacks the back of his head with a rolled magazine to scold him. "Geez, Mom! Someone has to tell her the truth!" he replies defensively.

Noticing the kitchen is darker than usual, I can see that the blinds to the window and patio are drawn, blocking the sunlight from shining through. I wonder, what are they protecting me from? Don't do it, Mariah! I refrain from peeking outside and trek towards the fridge to pull out the orange juice. I grab a glass from the cupboard and amble towards the kitchen table to sit with the orange juice in one hand and the glass in the other. Once I'm seated, I pour a glass of juice for myself. "Honey, I'll make you some toast, okay?" Mom offers as she stands and walks towards the pantry. I nod in agreement even though the thought of food makes my stomach turn.

After she finishes making the toast, she brings a plate over to me and sets it down; there's an awkward silence as they watch intently as I eat. I keep my head down to avoid their pity-riddled stares. Mom finally speaks up, "So, I was talking to your Aunt Lori this morning, and she was wondering if you would want to come and stay with her for the summer while you are off from school. She needs someone to temporarily work at the Assisted Living Center because the current activities director is on maternity leave through the end of August. She said you would be doing her a big favor."

I stop for a moment to contemplate, working on swallowing the dry toast that I have in my mouth, "Well, what about my job?"

Dad interrupts, "Honey, listen, waitressing jobs are a dime a dozen. Take this time for yourself before you start back in school. You are going to need your head clear to focus. That is the most important thing right now. Your Mother and I aren't concerned with your job. You are so close to being done; I don't want to see you give up what you have going right now over a break-up."

I take a sip of orange juice to chase down the toast, "Yeah, I mean, I'd like that. When does she need me by?" I ask as I take another bite of toast.

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