Chapter 7 - Wherever I Go, Trouble Follows

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The sun shining through the blinds awakens me from my slumber the next morning. I can hear the faint sound of music downstairs. I sit up to listen for a moment; I hear the muffled sound of Aunt Las singing along to the tune of Marvin Gaye on the radio. I quickly slide my slippers on and run downstairs to the kitchen. As I enter the kitchen, I observe her dancing around with a wooden spoon to her mouth, lip-syncing the words, so I walk up behind her, tapping her shoulder. She turns around and playfully takes my hand, twirling me around as we dance to the beat of the music together in the kitchen. Brie bursts through the entryway, hair a mess with her hands on her hips, giving us an evil glare, "Geez, mom, would you keep it down?! I'm trying to sleep!"

Aunt Las and I begin howling with laughter, "Don't be such a party pooper, Brie!" she says.

I reach out my hands out for her, "Yeah, Brie, dance with us."

Aunt Las also stretches out her hand for Brie's. She rolls her eyes, placing her hands in ours, as we dance along to the music. This is heaven, just like old times. Las made a batch of freshly baked, made from scratch cinnamon rolls this morning for us.

After breakfast, Brie and I dash upstairs to get showered and groomed for the day. I'm looking forward to some girl time with Brie and Maggie. I needed this desperately. It's nice not to be concerned with another girl that I hang out with hooking up with my boyfriend. I'm also looking forward to getting to know Maggie a little better.

I slip on a tank top and a blue jean skirt with my gold strappy sandals after showering. I pull my hair up in a ponytail and add some makeup before marching downstairs. Brie comes downstairs shortly after I do and calls Maggie to let her know we are headed out to pick her up.

We pull into the driveway at Maggie's house a few moments later. Nova is sitting on the front porch, waving to us. Both Brie and I get out of the car to greet her, "Good morning Nova!" I greet her.

"Good morning, darlin. Good to see you. I hope you girls have a good day."

Maggie busts out the door of the house and down the porch steps, "Bye Momma, see you later."

"Bye, baby. Love you!" Nova calls out as she runs past her.

"Bye, Momma. Love you," Brie says to Nova as she opens the passenger side door and pulls the seat up for Maggie to climb in the back.

"Bye, sweetie. Love you too!" Nova replies.

The three of us wave goodbye to Nova as I back out of the driveway and head to town. The girls discuss one of the boutiques nearby they'd like to visit. As we pull up in the parking lot, we grab our purses and walk inside. It's so adorable and quaint on the outside; walking inside the store is even more precious. The aroma of lavender fills the air, and it is packed full of women's clothes from one end to the other. I begin to search through the clearance racks to my right as some of the dresses catch my eye. I pull out a beautiful white cotton sundress with a brown belt around it in my size. I pull it from the rack and continue looking through the rest, picking out a few more outfits that appeal to me. I approach Brie and Maggie near the shoes to get their opinion on what I have chosen, "Do you girls like this dress?" I ask as I hold up the white sleeveless cotton sundress against my body in front of the full-length mirror.

"Oh, that's so pretty!" Maggie replies as she spins around.

Brie stands next to me in front of the mirror, "Try it on, Colie. Let me see it on. I love it."

I enter the dressing room and slip it on. I stand in every position in front of the mirror. It's perfectly southern in every way. As I come out of the dressing room, the girls have a big smile on their face, "So pretty!" Brie says.

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